The Press Are Not My Friends

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*Zoeys P.O.V*

I pulled myself out of the pool, my muscles aching, almost begging for a hot bath. Practice had gotten harder not easier, and I was still not able to keep up in the lane.

"How are you feeling today?" Cam asked me getting out of the pool herself.

"Like shit." Was all I said while picking my stuff up off of the deck.

Kennedy chuckled a bit while looking at the pool door in the distance.

"Dont let the press know that, speaking of which.... here they come." She said her eyes still on the door.

I looked up, and sure enough 2 or 3 news paper reports were standing by the door. Something overtook me, suddenly I my stomach was turing, my face must have turned ghost white in my nervousness because Kennedy put a hand on my back.

"Dont worry Zoey, just let Camila do all the talking. You'll be fine."

I gave a nervous head shake still unsure about how I was feeling with this new attention.

Luke walked over with a cocky stride, God I was really started to hate him. Luke handed us each parkas, handing Camila a special parka with a C embroidered on the sleeve.

A mumble of thanks came from the 4 of us before we walked over to the press. I watched as Cam put on a fake smile, exhaustion the real emotion on her face.

I stood next to Cam and Kennedy as the press started hammering us right away.

"Camila how are you feeling about your team this season?" They asked.

"Quite proud, I feel a real improvement is coming this year." She awnserd.

Something inside me felt accomplished. Cams response was genuine. She was truly proud of the team, and felt we could make a huge improvement.

"Camila, what achievements do you see being accomplished this season?" One reporter asked earning Cams attention.

"For me, I see a school record, and an individual states event, maybe two. As for our lane, I see state relay qualifiers. For the team, I see a conference title in our near future."

I was shocked by Cams words, A state relay and conference title!?

"Camila, do you think Hannah will get in the way of your achievements?" One reporter asked

Cams smiled dropped and her brown eyes got darker. Her tone now completely changed.

"Though Hannah is a fierce competitor, the only time she will be in my way is when I step onto the podium."

I looked at Cam with surprise her tone was dark and terrifying. It wasn't the tone she used when talking to Luke, no. Cam sounded like she had already dug a six foot hole and only needed to shoot the gun.

I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed the tone change in Cams words. Luke, who was standing in the corner had a shocked look on his face. The words Cam had said clearly did not sit right with him. Kennedy, though, had the smirk of the devil. Clearly pleased with Cams word choice.

The press almost in an instant turned from Cam to me.

"You must be Zoey, the new freshman in lane one." One of them said more then asked.

I simply shook my head yes, not wanted to say anything wrong.

"How do you like, high school swimming here, compared to middle school swimming at your old Town?" They questioned again.

I took a gulp, don't say something wrong...
"I enjoy it here, I feel like the high school level really does push my work out limits and gives me an opportunity to grow and improve."

Camila and Kennedy smiled at my response. Luke nodded his head agreeing with my comment.

The reporters moved to Kennedy questioning her about diving season. I tried to listen but my vision and ears were preoccupied. I watched Luke get up and stand close behind Cam whispering something in her ear.

At quick glance Cam and Luke looked like a couple, they way they were standing. Luke behind Cam leaning over to whisper in her ear. Cam leaning back to hear him better then reply.

But if you knew the twos hate for each other, like me. You could tell they were silently arguing. Trying to keep up the captain positions in front of the press, not wanted to seem immature or start are rumor that the guys team hated the girls team because of their little disagreements.

The press eventually left after snapping a few photos and saying their goodbyes. After they exited the door Cam and Luke's argument finally got louder.

"So you are just going around telling people she can't swim!" Luke said loudly.

"I didn't say that! I said I was going to beat her!" Cam rebuttal

"Look I know she annoys you and always is saying things that pisses you off, but she is a good swimmer and real competition!" Luke said running his fingers through his hair.

"Oh so Mr. Simps protecting his arrogant girlfriend!" Cam said crossing her arms across her chest.

Luke got really close to her towering her by half a foot, looking down at her with cold eyes he said quietly,
"She's not my girlfriend anymore you intolerant shit, and yes she is arrogant, but you don't need to go around putting down other girls swimming abilities."

Camila rolled her eyes and walked toward the locker room door.

* heyo not really sure what to say, so see you next chapter fishes. Just keep swimming!*

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