You Sexist ******

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*Lukes P.O.V*

I watched with tired eyes while the girls swim team finished up their main set. Today had been one of the longest days of my life.

School had never been my favorite, nothing about it made me want to scream "yay! Let's go to school!" I only went so I could swim, but normally I could bare my way though school. But today...

It was plain out misery, every guy in school wouldn't shut up about Cam, even Ashton and Elmer were talking about her. "Big star, and big ass" was one of the ways a guy in chem class describe her.

I couldn't understand why all of a sudden people started talking about how hot she was, last year they weren't like this.

I turned my gaze to Cam, standing there in the water joking with Kennedy, Zoey, and Leah. You could hear her laugh from over here. Her brown eyes sparkled with her happiness.

I shook my head and got rid of those thoughts and turned toward her deminer. Her arms more than toned, plus her 4 pack lines were visible in her tight suit. It was all from her extra working out over the summer. Guys were starting to notice, that she had a body. That's why their all talking about her, and I hated it.

"Luke, stop staring and get out the paddles!" Coach yelled toward me, pulling me from my thought process.

I quickly pulled out the bin from the storage room and began placing paddles at the end of each lane for each girl. Some made eye contact and some just blushed, I knew like half the underclassmen had a crush on me... it wasn't a secret, it also wasn't a secret to them that I was single.

I made my way closer to lane 1, bending down and placing a few paddles at lane 3. A girl conveniently at that moment flip turned right as I bent down splashing water all over my face.

I stood up and set down the bucket of paddles, underclassmen like Ella and Harper stared at me from lanes 4 and 2 as I lifted up my shirt reviling my six pack. I chuckled to myself as a few of them turned away and others just stared at me. I knew the effect I had on underclassmen, I especially knew the effect my abs had on the underclassmen. I looked toward Kennedy and Cam in lane 1 as I dropped my shirt back in place, both of them looked unamused. Leah looked tired and Zoey looked rolled her eyes in disgust at me.

Guess there was no winning over any girls in lane one.

**time jump to after practice**

I stood outside the locker room door waiting for Camila. She was taking extra time in the locker room today, just to spite me and I knew it. Acrossed the hall, football players exited their lockeroom also leaving their practice. A few waved at me and a few didn't, truth was some were still pissed swimming was bringing in more money for the school than football ever had. Because, they, well sucked.

Next to me the lockeroom door burst open reviewing Cam. Her hair pulled up into a wet messy bun, and her eyes full of exhaustion.

"You look like a homeless person." I stated while pulling my keys out of the bag.

"Lets not start something here." Camila replied opening the school doors leading to the parkinglot.

We walked to my car in silence, a few people looked at us while we walked out. One boy whistled at Cam and a few girls waved at me. I could practically feel Cams eye roll as we got in the car. I quickly started up the engine and we drove back to her house.

Inside the sent of steak, potatoes, and vegetables. Me and Cam set our bags down by the door and entered the kitchen, only to be greated by our fathers.

"How was school?" My dad asked with a small smile.

Camila gronned expressing exactly what I was feeling, but instead I actually gave a verbal awnser.

"It was ok, it was school I guess." I said with a shrug while taking a seat at the table acrossed from Cam.

"How was practice Cam?" Coach Westphal(Camilas dad) asked while sitting down.

A small smile appeared on Camila's face, as she began talking about today's set. Food was passed while we were talking and one conversation lead to another. Cam talked about her upcoming meet, which caused out dads to mention their mid-season conference out of town. But eventually the conversation died down, and the food was gone.

"how about you two go hang out on the pool deck, while me and Lukes dad drink a beer." Coach Westphal said while picking up plates.

I stood up, grabbing my half filled soda can and walked out of the door to the pool deck with Cam. From behind me I could hear my dad shout,

"Be nice!"

Me and Cam took seats next to each other. It was still early in the school year and the weather was still warm, causing the pool to still be open. Sometimes I wondered why Cams family left it open for so late but I never asked.

Turning over to Camila my eyes fell apon her. On her phone texting with a small smile on her face.

"Which boy you texting now?" I asked devilishly, I knew what I was doing.

"None of your business." She replied not looking up from her screen.

"You trying to be a slut? Thats, what? 5 guys this week?" I said taking a sip of my soda.

Cam looked like she could punch me when she finally lifted her eyes from her screen. For a moment I was actually terrified, but she returned her gaze back to her phone.

"Its Kennedy," she replied in a calm, matter-a-fact voice, "and I don't date or hit up with any guys, it takes to much time away from training."

I stared at her with shock. That can't be why she isn't dating anyone. Don't get me wrong I think loving your sport and wanting to be apart of it is great, but not having a social life because of it, is just wrong.

"What worried he's going to be stronger than you? Faster than you? Or beat you in a race? Cause they can, ya know." Wrong words... I knew it was the wrong thing to say the second it came out of my mouth.

"No, I'm worried they're gonna turn out to be some sexist bitch like you. Why am I even out here with you, when all you do is be a bitch! For once in your life could you keep your God damn mouth shut and let me be!" The words spit out of her mouth quickly. She was clearly upset at me for those words and really I couldn't blame her.

I watched as she made her way to the door to head back inside, but stopped and turned to face me, saying one last comment before she went inside.

"Its no wonder you can't keep a woman when all you do is body shame them and curteek them. I don't know if you broke up with Hannah, or if she broke up with you, but either way you were both perfect for each other... you're both bitches."

I stood there shocked as Camila made her way inside, she really did not just compare me to Hannah.

*wow long chapter don't hate me.. more to come so just keep swimming see you next chapter fishes!*

Word count: 1287

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