My Way All Day

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*Camilas P.O.V*

I stood behind the block, energy pumping and ready. This meet was already going great with a state qualifying relay. Me and Luke hadn't fought, but we never did at meets mostly because of the press.

I looked over at Luke he was talk to Ashton and both of them laughed at something funny. Above him in the bleachers a few girls giggled and pointed at Luke.

I rolled my eyes and focused on the pool, our 10 minute warm up after diving had finished and it was time for the 100 fly.

Shaking my arms and legs I took a shaky breath. Oh dear God I hope this goes well.

"100 yard butterfly, 4 lengths of the pool, Mr. Starter." The official shouted pointing toward the starter.

I placed my hands on the block ready to get up, every nervous feeling I was feeling quickly switched to Adrenalin. My body was ready to race.

"Swimmers step up." The official voice rang out in his scratchy tone.

I stood up on the block, my toes and fingers curling around the rough edge.

"Take your mark."

Deep breath Camila come on.


The reaction of a swimmer. My muscles shot me off of the block, as I dove underwater the shouting from above was lost. I was now in complete silence, dolphin kicking with all my might. Breaching to the surface my arms followed the normal routine.

The screams and shouts of people on deck and in the stands could be heard for only a second when I lifted my head to breath.

Touching the wall with two hands I quickly flipped turned repeating the same motions again.

By the third wall no other swimmers were near me, I knew this was going to be an easy win, but that never mattered to me. My time only mattered. The only time I cared about beating a person was with Hannah.

Hannah. Her name made me kick harder and plunge my hands into the wall touched the pad. I lifted my head out of the water and leaned it against the gutter.

Above me Kennedy shook my head in a good job manner.

"56.62." Kennedy said with a laugh in her voice.

"Yes! Yes Westphal! Thats how you swim the 100 fly!" I could hear coach shout from the side of the deck.

I looked up at Kennedy and grinned from ear to ear. I only needed to drop about 4 seconds to beat the record.

I floated there at the end of the pool regaining my breath, till the last girl finished the race.

"Hey good swim." I said leaning over the lane line to fist bump the girl next to me.

"Yeah you too." She said out of breath, returning the fist bump.

I pulled myself out of the pool and hugged Kennedy before putting my parka on.

After of hug I looked over at Luke almost awaiting his approval, wanting it. I shook my head and looked away from him, I never needed it before why do I need it now? But that thought didn't stop me from looking at him again. He looked up from his clip board and nodded at me, almost saying good job before showing Elmer a time on his stop watch.

My eyes were almost forced to look away from him when a crowd of news reporters surrounded me.

"Camila what do you think is going to happen a few meets from now?" One reporter asked.

"I think a school records going to happen." I said with a huge smile on my face.

I worked all summer for this dream and it was finally looking like it was gonna come true.

"Camila how does it feel to know that achievement is right around the corner?" Another one asked.

"Hella good." I said before pausing, "look I would love to awnser all your questions but I'm tired and need to help count the 500, thank you so much."

I pulled off my cap to put the parka hood above my hair and walked over to my chair. Sitting down I picked up my water bottle and drank from it, and a smile came to my face.

Dreams were finally coming true.

*wow, hey i'm back! Hope you like this chapter.... more to come soon and I'm so excited! See you next chapter fishes! Just keep swimming!*

Word count: 723

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