due to popular demand

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A/N hey if y'all wanna read actual good TDI fanfiction, check out my Ao3 account, CactusPot. I also might consider crossposting some of those stories over here. Let me know if that is at all interesting to you. Anywho, on with the story.

Team Amazon: Cody, Sierra, Gwen, Heather, Courtney

Team Chris Is Really Really Really Hot: Alejandro, Noah, Izzy, Owen

Team Victory: Lindsay, Leshawna, DJ, [Y/N]


When you wake up the next morning, Lindsay is sitting across from you. Her hair is frumpled, her arms are folded, and she stares out the window at the blue beyond.

"Morning, Lindsay," you say, stretching your arms. Sleeping in a reclining chair isn't as comfortable as an actual bed, but it sure beats the conditions in second class. You speak again. "It's a great day to be a winner, right?"

Lindsay glances at you, and you notice the palpable sadness in her blue eyes. "I guess."

Oh. You remember what Cody told you last night. Team Chris Is Really Really Really Hot had lost the challenge, and Tyler had paid the price.

"I'm sorry Tyler's gone," you say. You've only known Cody for a few days, but you know you'd be just as devastated if he got voted off.

"I finally remembered his name, too," Lindsay says.

You're itching to cheer her up. Not just because Lindsay would perform better in the challenge if she was happy, but also because you genuinely care about her. Lindsay (along with DJ and Leshawna) took you in; cheering her up is the least you can do in return.

"Do you want to paint your nails?" you suggest, knowing Lindsay likely packed a vault of nail polishes for the trip. "It might cheer you up."

Lindsay nods, slowly at first, but a smile returns to her face. "Sure. The snow totally froze my cuticles yesterday. Let me get my stuff!"

She rummages through her backpack and finds several polish colors. "What do you want?" she asks you.

You look through the options and finally pick up a bright spring green. "I'll go with this one."

"So cute," Lindsay says, her troubles over Tyler already forgotten. "I'm gonna go with pink. That's my favorite."

You guys spend the next half hour painting your nails. Lindsay is an expert. Even when the plane rattles under turbulence, she doesn't smear her work. Yours is less perfect, but it isn't terrible, either.

Eventually, DJ and Leshawna sit down in the empty seats, Leshawna beside you and DJ beside Lindsay.

"Where were you guys?" you ask.

"Breakfast bar," Leshawna says, pointing at the end of the first-class cabin. "Grabbed some bagels."

"I asked the stewardess to bring us some orange juice," DJ says. "Is that cool?"

You nod; orange juice is fine by you. Lindsay agrees as well.

"How're you feeling, Linds?" DJ asks, patting her shoulder.

"Better," she admits. "I still wish Tyler hadn't gone home."

"The odds were stacked against him," you say. "Owen is too tight with Noah and Izzy."

Leshawna shoots you a look. "Really?"

Lindsay's eyes are wide. Please don't cry, you think. Maybe you should have saved that comment for the confessional.

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