Fellas I am tire

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"It's challenge time!" Chris declares, a twinkle in his beady brown eyes. "Last person on the platform wins the challenge for their team. This is gonna be fun."

You take your place on the mat across from Noah. Alejandro is facing off against Cody; Sierra with Leshawna, and Heather against Owen. 

You eye Noah warily. He's scrawny, like Cody, but he probably has some hidden skills.

"Hiyah!" You throw a karate chop at Noah, but the blow falls short of his actual body. Noah lazily kicks at you. He's not invested in the dance, you can see the disinterest in the crease of his brow. 

You try again, this time aiming for his shoulder. Bam! You whack Noah, and he stumbles off center. 

"Ack!" he whimpers as an electric shock courses through his body. 

You wince, but keep throwing shots. You need to win this for Team Victory.

"Boo yah!" You kick at him again. This time, you nail Noah in the shin. He screams like a baby and crumples to the ground before sliding off the mat and onto the snow below.

"Do I win?!" You ask excitedly. Lindsay and DJ cheer for you on the sidelines.

"I'm so proud of you!" Lindsay hollers.

You hop off to join Team Victory spectating. Sierra and Leshawna are going at it. They're both pro dancers. Sierra is doing some sort of ballet, but Leshawna deflects all her attacks with some sharp  hip hop.

Cody and Alejandro are another story. Alejandro is calm, cool, and collected. Cody nervously throws a punch. Alejandro knocks Cody's legs right out from under him. Cody is thrown into the snow.

"Cody!" you yell.

"Cody!" Sierra shrieks. She drop kicks Leshawna in the stomach. Leshawna falls with a loud oof. For a moment, you consider helping her up, since she is your teammate. But Cody takes precedence in your heart.

You hurry over to Cody, who is lying in a snowbank. His right leg, once so cute and alluring, is bent and twitching. 

Sierra gets to Cody first. She's foaming over him like a rabid animal.

"Speak to me!" she howls. 

"Get away from him!" you push Sierra aside.

"Why you little-" Sierra makes a swipe at you, hissing. 

Gwen and Courtney restrain Sierra. Courtney says, "Calm down!"

"Whahtbfb?" Cody gurgles. You rest your hand on Cody's cheek and gaze into his eyes. They are usually bright blue, but now they are dulled with pain.

You say, "Are you alright?" to which Cody nods. He places his own hand over yours; it is now in a sandwich of Cody's flesh. Cheek, hand, hand. Briefly you wish you and Cody were alone, not sitting in a snowbank with ten other people looking on.

The moment is ruined with Owen faints off his platform, rendering Heather victorious.

"Yes!" she yells. You turn and glare at her.

"No time for heartfelt mush!" Chris snaps. "Onto the next round!" 

You help Cody up. He sits down next to Gwen and Courtney; Sierra is also with Team Amazon. You purse your lips, but when Cody flashes you a toothy grin and a thumbs up, your heart melts and you smile at him.

"She's on the other team!" Courtney snaps.

"Onto the mats!" Chris screams. "The matchups this round will be [Y/N] vs Sierra and Heather vs Alejandro!"

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