Too late im updatin this

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The day after your encounter with Cody, you wake up in your hotel bed, your hair a tangled mess. There's drool on your pillow- hopefully you weren't unconsciously making out with it.

As you get dressed in the new outfit you bought yesterday, you think about your brush with fame.

You mutter aloud, "Cody was so cute. And I didn't even get his number."

You walk past your mother, who is furiously typing away at her computer.

"Hi, Mom."

"[Y/N], dear! I hope you're having fun!" Your mother doesn't look up from the computer, but she gives you a thumbs up. "Your dad and I will be busy until noon, so keep yourself occupied. And try not to watch TV all day."

"Ah, I won't, Mom." Her mention of TV gives you an idea. Why not watch all the released episodes of Total Drama so far?

As your mom leaves to attend her meeting, you sit down on the plush bed, open your laptop, and click on episode one, Walk Like An Egyptian.

Sierra is totally insane. Cody likes me, not her, you think as you watch Sierra hug Cody for the bazillionth time. Not like you'll ever see him again, unfortunately. 

You're almost finished with episode three when you hear a knock at the hotel door.

"Who in the hell?" you mutter, pausing the episode. Your parents aren't hurt, are they? Who else could it be?

You open the door and find a tall, burly man with dark skin and a chef's hat placed atop his head. He glares sternly at you. And... you recognize him.

"You must be [Y/N]," he says in a husky voice. 

"Yep. And you're Chef, right?" You shiver, even though it's really hot inside the hotel. "I was just watching Total Drama before you interrupted me."

"Put a sock in it," Chef growls. "Listen up, kid. Chris had the 'genius' idea to add you to the show. After the stunt you pulled with that Cody boy, our viewers would be pissed if you never showed up again. Love triangle, blah blah blah, more views."

"Me? I'll get pummeled!" you exclaim. "Those kids are all insane! Except Cody, but, well-"

"It's not really your choice," Chef responds. "I'm just the delivery guy. And you signed a contract with Chris last night, so you're already on the show."

"The hell?" Your lower eyelid twitches. See Cody again? Hell yes. Join crazed teenagers on a freaky musical TV show? Hell to the no!

"Just pack some crap and get this overwith. We're on a schedule," Chef grumbles.

You slam the door and run to your suitcase.

"Okay, [Y/N], you're officially crazy," you say as you repack everything. "I'm not even that good of a singer! Sierra will pummel me!

"But," you add as an afterthought, "Cody'll be there, and this will be more exciting than the whole NYC trip so far."

In two minutes, you're done. You roll your suitcase to the door and open it. On the opposite side, Chef is using his hat as a hand puppet.

"Uh, erm, are you ready?" Chef pulls his puppet hand behind him and escorts you to the taxi waiting down below.

"Uh, erm, are you ready?" Chef pulls his puppet hand behind him and escorts you to the taxi waiting down below

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