another one just for funzies

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A/N: Just returned from a semester in Europe, so I guess now I'm uniquely qualified to write about World Tour /j Chapter uploaded May 9, 2022

You try to listen as Chris explains the challenge, but Peru is so boring. No offense to Peruvians, of course. It's just—Cody stands mere meters away from you, and this monologue is getting in the way of time you could spend chatting with him.

And then Chris talks about the poisonous bugs.

"Yes, Cody," he adds, "the legal team made me well aware of your deathly allergies and insisted we supply an epi-pen." When Cody swipes for his epi-pen, Chris rudely holds it out of reach. "Wouldn't make sense for the person with the allergies to hold it, would it?"

This seems like a girlfriend's duty, so you pipe up: "Chris, I can take the epi-pen!"

But instead of giving it to you, Chris rolls his eyes. "You're on the other team. Conflict of interest."

"Yeah, Y/N," Sierra spits with the vengeance of a spurned lover. "You're on the other team. Which means I should take the epi-pen! Pick me, pick me!"

You aren't certain how much more of Sierra's antics you can take. Luckily you and Cody have an ally. You cough Gwen's name into your mouth. She looks over and understands the message.

"I'll take it, Chris," she mumbles.

"No!" Sierra howls. "I'm the only one who knows what sends Cody into anaphylactic shock!"

Chris barrels on, blabbering about ancient tribes. Chef hammers away on bongo drums. When Chris announces the kicker—Macchu Picchu is eighteen hours away—you can already feel fatigue seeping into your bones. 

Leshawna takes the walkie-talkie for Team Victory, and everyone begins shuffling towards the destination. The teams intermingle, and obviously you drift from Leshawna and DJ towards Cody, the man of your dreams. Together, you fall in line behind Alejandro and Noah.

"Are you ever gonna tell me your allergens?" you ask Cody.

He chuckles and elbows you. "It's a long list. More of a third-date kind of thing."

"We haven't really been on actual dates, have we?"

"Well, no. We're kinda on a race around the world."

"True." Still, could it be so hard to plan a romantic dinner, just the two of you? Something that could really and properly be a date?

Lost in thought, you trip on Noah's heels. 

"Watch it, klutz," Noah snarks.

Embarrassment warms your face. "My bad."

Cody jumps to your defense. "Chill, dude. No need to be fussy."

"We've got a lot of walking to do, and your girlfriend seems intent on incapacitating me. Maybe I have a right to be fussy." Noah hustles off to join Izzy and Owen.

"Is he... that was rude." It's obvious Noah is sarcastic by nature, but that was out of left field. Stepping on his ankle was an accident, honest!

"I wouldn't worry about it. He's on a completely different team than us, remember?"

"With all luck, Team Chris Is Really Really Hot will lose tonight."

"Y/N!" Leshawna waves you over. "We gotta talk strategy!"

After kissing Cody goodbye, you stick closer to Leshawna, DJ, and Lindsay. Two paths diverge in the woods, and Lindsay suggests left. Seems legit. Team Chris Is Really Really Hot follows behind at a distance. You choose to ignore Noah and Alejandro, the two biggest bullies.

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