The Alps

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A/N: Confessionals will be woven into the story, although they all technically are recorded later and edited in.


Previously on Total Drama: World Tour

After meeting a charmng yet nerdy guy named Cody, you are swept into the dramatic world of reality TV. As soon as you arrive, you find allies in Team Victory as well as Gwen, and, of course, Cody. Sierra proves to be an obstacle in your quest to be with Cody, but there's no time for chatter after the jet lands in Germany.


You are sitting with Team Victory in economy class, discussing strategy with your new teammates. Being new, you keep quiet, wishing Cody was in economy with you. 

You imagine Cody sitting across from you, sending flirtatious smiles your way. You can imagine clearly his bright blue eyes and adorable half-smile. Instead, you're stuck staring at Owen, who is using Noah as a teddy bear. 

You shake your head to wake yourself up from your daydream and focus on what your teammates are saying."

"I wish I wasn't cursed," DJ moans, holding his head in his hands. "That's why Team Victory is losing so bad."

"DJ, it's all in your head," Leshawna tells him, rolling her eyes. "Get over it. The more you believe in that 'curse', the more power it has."

"Yeah," you chime in, thinking fast. "I watched Episode 1, and then I did research. Turns out Egyptian statues don't do curses, only South African statues!"


"I was making that up," you tell the confessional. "But DJ needs to get over the curse, and I need to contribute." You shrug. "Whatever keeps Team Victory in the game."


"Yeah, what [Y/N] said," Leshawna agrees with your falsehood. "You're gonna be fine, DJ. Suck it up."

Lindsay, who is sitting the farthest away from you, nods in agreement.

Your eyes drift to the other side of the plane, where Owen is conversing with Alejandro.

Suddenly, the jet shakes, and you are thrown to the ground with the rest of the team.

"Ah!" you cry as a vortex of wind sweeps into the compartment. The turbulence ripped a hole in the side of the plane.

"Help!" Owen wails as he falls out the side.

"Owen!" Lindsay and Izzy cry, rushing to the side.

"Ale! Get me out!" Owen shouts at Alejandro. Anger flashes across the latter's face, and you realize he won't help.

"Team Victory!" you call, carefully darting over to where Owen is hanging off the edge. "Come help, guys!" Leshawna, DJ, and Lindsay join you.

"I got you, buddy!" DJ hollers, holding out a hand for Owen. Leshawna places her hands on DJ's hips, and Lindsay does the same to Leshawna.

You wrap your hands around Lindsay, determined to pull Owen up, since no one on Team Chris Is Really Really Really Hot seems to be helping. You heave and heave, but Owen remains dangling on the side of the plane.

"Help me, guys!" you cry. "I'm not strong enough!"

An answer to your plea arrives in the form of familiar hands wrapped around your abdomen. 

"Cody!" you shout in relief.

Noah, Izzy, and Alejandro finally pull their weight and help you pull up Owen. Leshawna grabs a nearby crate and pushes it in front of the hole.

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