The (hopefully) only chapter

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A/N: Just fyi this is a Cody x female reader fic lol

New York

You exhale deeply as you walk through Central Park in New York City. It's a gorgeous day outside, so you figured you might as well take a walk while you're out here. Your parents are here on a business trip, but you get to soak up the side effects.

Which is why you have two giant bags slung over your shoulders, remainders of your NYC shopping spree. You sport an 'I heart NYC' baseball cap over your short hair.

You hum to yourself, then stop short at the sight of several frenzied teams tearing through the park. A troupe of girls pushes a baby carriage at supersonic speed.

"What the heck?" You pull out your phone, ready to record the fanatical scene. Through your camera screen, you see a body fall out of the girls' carriage. They don't notice and continue their rampage. 

"I can't believe those girls hid a dead body in a baby carriage," you mutter to yourself as you jog over to inspect the causality.

He's white as hell, with brown hair parted down the middle- what a nerdy look. Even though it's a hot summer day, he's wearing layers of sweaters that reach down to his elbows, long jeans, and ratty sneakers.

All in all, not very attractive.

"Are you awake?" you reach down and gently push his shoulder. At least, you thought you were being gentle- the boy yelps and shouts. 

"Sierra stop! Ahh!" he whimpers, his hands instinctively going to cover his head from your attacks.

You withdraw. "I'm not Sierra, whoever the hell she is."

The boy opens his eyes. They're robin's egg blue, which you identify immediately because there used to be a robin's nest on your front lawn. You observed it every day, which is beside the point at the moment.

"Uhh, I'm [Y/N]," you say. "I saw you fall out of a baby carriage, and... well, I'm confused."

"Ahaha!" The boy chuckles nervously and quickly gets to his feet. "My name's Cody. Thanks for waking me up, but I have a challenge to win. Even if that means going back to Sierra and the other girls..." The disgust is plastered all over his face.

"Cody... challenge? Sierra?" The pieces click together in your mind. "OMG, you're a contestant on Total Drama World Tour!"

"Don't tell me you're another superfan," Cody said, nervousness seeping into his voice. "I can't deal with another Sierra."

"No." You adjust your baseball cap. "My friend talks about this show a lot. I don't watch, though. Although..." You step aside. "I guess I'm keeping you from your challenge."

Cody chuckles nervously. "Yeah. We might be recorded right now, actually. That's how reality shows work, apparently. Honestly, I'm not sure how I got roped into a third season."

"Is it fun? If you tell me to, I might watch the first season..."

"No!" Cody shakes his head wildly. "I'm not portrayed in the best light. You don't need to see me like that." He laughs nervously. You've begun to notice this is a habit.

"Well, nice meeting you." You start to turn away, but Cody grabs you by your arm. 


The bag slips down your shoulder as you turn to look at him. "Yeah?"

Cody stares at you. His lips begin to move, and you notice a large gap between his front teeth. It's utterly adorable.

He says, "It's nice to meet someone sane for once. Do you want to, maybe, grab lunch?"

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