12 months later I'm updatin M8s

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Chef blows into a horn, his eyes twitching with irritation. "Alright, sissies! Follow my lead and nobody gets hurt."

He jumps, kicks, and slaps his thighs. You cringe visibly. This dance is worse than the time your cousins did the macarena in the middle of a wedding.

"Kick your butt!" Chef hollers. "Jump and clap!"

You half-heartedly clap.

Leshawna rolls her eyes. "Chef is gonna be single forever, isn't he?" But it's not a question, it's a fact.

"Let me go first!" Sierra yells, jumping up and down on her mat. "One, two, three, slap my knee! My husband to be, his name is Cody!"

Cody grimaces, and you feel the same way. Noah and Alejandro snicker at the song.

Sierra slaps her butt. "Four, five, six, pick up sticks. My heart won't tick without my Cody fix!"

Heather glares daggers at Sierra's routine. Your lips curl in disgust.

"Seven, eight, nine, straighten your spine. Spin to see Cody lookin' so fine!" Sierra winks.

"Ten, eleven, twelve, nothing rhymes with twelve! Everyone knows that Cody is mine!" Sierra makes eye contact with you, and motions slitting her neck. You gulp nervously. 

"That was disgusting," you say to Leshawna as the music starts up. Both of you begin to dance.

"Hon, I know." She waves her arms in time to the music.

"If I wasn't so scared Sierra would kill me, I'd tell her to knock it off."

"You really think Sierra could kill you?"

"She's like, a superfan. She knows everything about Cody, and it probably wouldn't take her long to find out everything about me."

Leshawna begins to reply, but as she speaks a tap on your shoulder turns your attention away.

"Pardon me, [Y/N]," Alejandro says with smiling benevolent eyes, "may I steal Leshawna away from you for a quick second?"



"I've watched the frickin show! I know Alejandro is manipulative. But also, if I said no, he might get mad at me, and I don't want Alejandro as an enemy." You sigh. "Leshawna is smart, right?"


After a brief hesitation, you agree to his request, and Alejandro switches dance mats with you. Now you are dancing with Owen.

"Hi [Y/N]." Fatigue seeps into his nasal voice.

"What's up, Owen? I guess you don't like this challenge?" You gesture to his sluggish steps.

"I'm just tired after eating an entire sausage," Owen admits. "Actually, I don't feel so, ho-ho-hot."

"Owen?" you say in concern, right as Chris announces, "Time to test this baby out!" Chris presses a remote button, and Owen begins seizing.

"WOooaoh!" he yelps. 

No one else looks concerned that Owen is being electrocuted, not even Cody. But then you remember: this is just what Chris does.

Owen burps when the electrocution is over, and the smells of cooked sausage wafts past your nose.

"Hmmm." You purse your lips in distaste. "Not sure how I feel about that."

"[Y/N]! Cody stage-whispers. You look over to where he's dancing with Noah. Cody blows you a kiss.

"Awww!" you reciprocate. 

Noah notices and laughs. "Ha, ga-"

Chris electrocutes everyone, and you feel a jolt of electricity move up your body. But this isn't nearly as electrifying as when you met Cody for the first time. When you met Cody, there were actual sparks.

Cheesy? Maybe. But the confessional cams would eat that up. 


A/N: Due to popular demand, I'm putting out another chapter. It's short,  mainly because I want to give you guys SOME content before I drop off the mat for another 12 months. I'm glad you guys enjoy the story so much. If you want to read any of my other Total Drama fanfiction, you can read them here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/CactusPot

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