Cheese Queen | A Play

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[This play is sponsored by -EverlastingFanGirl-]


— Sophie Elizabeth Foster as Cresseida Adriata

— Keefe Sencen as Jazz Inma

— Fitz Vacker as Sterling Harper

— Biana Vacker as Waverly Adriata

— Dex Dizznee as Jorden Yre

— Marella Redek as Amarantha Red

— Linh Song as Josie Bell

— Tam Song as Inger Bell

Backstage Crew:

— Maruca Chebota [Set Painter]

— Wylie Endal [Costume Design]

— Mr. Forkle [Script Writer + Narrarator]

The Script:

Mr. Forkle: And so, the story begins with young Cresseida Adriata, a cheese addict . . .

Cresseida: I want five pounds of cheese!

Jazz: Okay, that'll be five cents, please

Cresseida: Okay, I'll be back, the cheese will only last me 'till lunch

Jazz: Yep, that's why you're a premium cheese grater

Cresseida: Totally

[Cresseida Leaves the Set]

Jazz: That girl would eat five hundred pounds of cheese per day if her sister let her [Cue eye roll]

[Later in the Day]

Cresseida: Oh! This grated cheese is SOO good! [Cue the moan]

Waverly: [Cue crinkled nose] Ew, that stuff will give you gas, you know? You'll be a farting machine!

Cresseida: So? If I can have cheese, then I can EAT cheese

Jorden: [Outside their house] Yo! Cheese Queen, your besties here!

Cresseida: Coming Jorden! [Opens door]

Jorden: You bought more cheese?

Cresseida: [Biting off a bit] Yuh

Waverly: I told her not to

Jorden: Nah, cheese is life

Cresseida: Yep, exactly

[Knock on the door]

Jazz: HEY, CRESSEIDA? Here's your order!

Waverly: No, you didn't! Did you buy more cheese?

Cresseida: This is for later of course

[The old king dies, and using her cheese, Cresseida bought the castle and earned her title as Cheese Queen]

Forkle: SO! What do you think of my play?

Biana: First of all, how do you buy a palace with cheese?

Sophie: Yeah, you want me to play a Cheese Queen?

Keefe: So, I'm not the beloved prince who will inherit the throne, but got stabbed in the back by the Cheese Queen, but I'm the . . . cheese seller

Fitz: I'm not even in the story! What's my part for?

Linh: Yeah! Only Sophie, Biana, Keefe, and Dex are in the actual play, what're the other roles for?

Marella: That play's stupid

Dex: The story plot doesn't even make sense!

Mr. Forkle: I thought it was good . . .

Sophie: Sorry, I don't think we can do it

Mr. Forkle: FINE! I'll be Cresseida then! IT'LL BE A ONE MAN SHOW! Be there, or I'll bash your elbows in with a cheese grater

Mr. Forkle: [Prancing off while singing Cheese Overlord terribly and off-key]

Okay, this entire chapter is weird, stupid, and completely random

I had an idea, but I forgot it, sooo this is what happened . . .

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