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Magnate Leto walked up to the councillors for his meeting he asked for.

He bowed down low. 

"You wanted to see us?" Emery's velvet voice spoke. As the "leader of the council", he was the main spokesperson and half of the council could stay quiet the entire time without talking.

Magnate Leto found this rude for Emery to soak up all the attention.

"Since the Neverseen against the world war is kinda over, " Magnate Leto cleared his throat.

"I have a confession to make," Magnate Leto said.

"What is it?" Emery said. "Please, we don't need another crisis. Is it important for us to know?"

"In a way, yes," Magnate Leto spoke. "It is crucial for you to know, but not on your priorities list."

"Understood," Emery nodded. "Please continue."

"So, as you may have noticed, the Black Swan keeps their identities hidden-"

"We are well aware of that. Except for the moonlark and her friends of course," Emery spoke with such awareness.

He won't be so aware once Magnate Leto tells him the secret. 

"Maybe I can tell you later," Magnate Leto slowly backed out of the room.

"You will do no such thing, please, stay and tell us the secret that you wanted to share with us," Emery said.

Magnate Leto cleared his throat, "Okay, mind as well get it over with."

"I am Mr. Forkle."

"I am sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Now, what did you say?" Emery asked.

"I am Mr. Forkle," Magnate Leto said with a louder and clearer voice, he was more sure of himself this time around.

"Ah, that causes quite a conundrum," Emery spoke silently. "Give us a minute."

Magnate Leto squirmed in his seat. 

"It is settled. Why did you not tell us this before?"

"Well, it is  a secret organization."

"Don't talk back to me."

"Yes, sir."

"Why have you suddenly decided to declare yourself?"

"Because the enemy is gone. I can trust you now and with better respect as well."

"You are lying."

"Fine! Because Miss Foster told me to."

"Miss Foster has always been the obedient one," Emery gave Forkle a disapproving look.

"She has been in multiple tribunals and has even been exiled at one point."

Emery huffed.

"Very well," Emery said. "This matter shall be revisited."

"Wait, does that mean that a Black Swan member was in the running against Councillor with me?" Alina butted in.

"Yes, unfortunately," Emery told her.

Alina muttered something and passed out.

She belly-flopped onto the ground, off her regal high throne.

"Thank goodness, she is out. Do you know how tiring it is having her constantly butt in and remind me to do something? Some times, I wish you had won, even if you were a Black Swan member."

Magnate Leto stood struck, "Thank you, but I wouldn't have known what to do with that position."

"She has certainly got used to being a councilor."



Magnate Leto woke up in a sweaty haze.

"Never again, never again."

He rocked himself, but suddenly a light was shined on him.


Magnate Leto woke up again.

"Nightmares, schnightmares."

"Remind me to never watch Truthly Watching again with Miss Foster. That tv show is enough to make anyone scared about their secret identities."

Sophie suddenly pops up from under a bunch of blankets.


"At my house. We were binge-watching Truthly Watching."

"Oh, yeah."

"Never make me watch that scary tv show again. It gave me a nightmare."

"What? That kiddy show? 8-year-olds watch that show. It is about telling the truth. I don't know why I even bothered to make you watch it," Sophie said shaking her head.

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