Reacting to Fanfictions 1

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Sophie: Hey guys! Do you want to read a fanfiction together!

Keefe: Sure

Biana: okay

Dex: okay

Fitz: I'm not sure

Keefe: come on Fitz, don't be a party pooper

Fitz: fine

Tam: whatever

Linh: Okie

(Sorry but I don't want too many characters for this chapter)

Sophie: Okay, let's start

Sophie: This is called, Sophie Sencen????

Fitz: WHAT?

Keefe: Wow

Dex: okay

Biana: Woah

Tam: gee

Linh: awww... how sweet

Sophie: Gah!!!

Sophie smiled as she watched her daughters. She sat in her living-room, that was honestly more like a ballroom with furniture. Large glass windows covered one entire wall, with a window seat, and a chandelier hung in the center of the room. A massive piano stood in the corner, and couches were placed in the middle of the room- for when company came over.

Though her home was basically a castle, it felt more like home than anywhere else- because it felt safe. Here with her three daughters. And son.

Rose was 12. She took after her father almost completely, she had his wavy blonde hair and ice blue eyes. Along with her own signature smirk, and prank ideas that nearly put her father's legend of the 'Great Gullon Incident' to shame. It didn't help that she had manafested as a Empath.

Keefe: Woah, my little baby is all grown up

Sophie: It's a fanfiction Keefe

Keefe: Still

Ella was 8. She was almost a mini Sophie, especially with her brown eyes. And unfortunately, had also taken after her mother's manafesting- telepathic- ability-at-a-young-age.

Calla was 5. She actually was a perfect mixture of both her parents. Her eyes were blue with brown near the edges, and she had not yet manafested- thank goodness.

Keefe: Wait, all girls. Now that does not sound like me

Sophie: For the last time, it is a fanfiction

And then there was the newborn baby in Sophie's arms. He was barely two weeks old, and had already met all of Sophie's old acquaintances, friends, family, and even the council members. Her and Keefe had decided to name their son Kenric, and had taken bets on what he'd manafest. They actually took bets on all of their children, especially Rose and Ella. Rose was always getting detention, and Ella was always getting in trouble.

Keefe: Now that sounds like me. The bets. And wow. My children are all amazing

Sophie: I was actually surprised you lasted so long before interrupting me

Keefe: I know right. I should keep talking

Fitz: No

Keefe: Fine watevah

The sound of footsteps shook Sophie form her thoughts as she stood up from her spot on the couch...

Fitz: Wait. If Sophie and Keefe kiss -yuck- then I won't read this

Dex: Nope

Tam: Gross dude

Keefe: this is a fanfiction

Biana: I don't know, it might be interesting

Linh: yah

*Sophie skips ahead*

Sophie: Yup. Me and Keefe Kiss

Fitz: Nope, we're done here

Everyone: yup

Sophie: yeah

Keefe: Fine, if you won't read I shall pucker up

Sophie: NO

Fitz: Yeah no, who chose this fanfiction anyway?

Keefe: I did

Fitz: I knew it. You wanted me to suffer

Keefe: You got me

Sophie: Oh please

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