internet related kotlc memes (haha i watch too much youtube)

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Keefe: *stares after Sophie*

Tam: SIMP!


Keefe: Can you be cool for five seconds?

Mr. Forkle: BRUH! Don't come at me like that! You can't just throw it back like a BOOMER and not expect me to react! OMG! Stop staring at my moonlark like that — total simper right here. YOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! yOu dID nOt! yoU diD nOT! OMGOSHHHH!!! bruh, don't dis the forklenator!

Keefe: I take it back! I TAKE IT BACK!


Grady: *stares at the SoKeefe moment unfolding before him*


Edaline: no way...

Edaline: do you see this?

Grady: *totally malfunctioning*

Grady: iMmA sAvAGe! yuH! clAsSy bOuGiE rAtCHeT! yUh!

Grady: sAsSy mOOdY nAStY! yUH!

Edaline: I'll call Elwin

Grady: aCtING sTuPID, whAtS hApPEnInG? bItC—

Edaline: *covers his mouth*


Sophie: Let's all try to be humans for a bit and see what happens!!!

Mr. Forkle: geT oFF mY lAwN!

Keefe: *throws it back*

Dex: like literally, OMGAWSH!

Fitz: ok boomer

Biana: just a little bit more glItTeR

Marella: brUh

Linh: i—erm—uh

Sophie: that's not what I meant...


Sophie: soooooooo whose blur?

Mr. Forkle: *averts eyes using his hand*

Sophie: who taught you that?

Mr. Forkle: well... 👉🏻👈🏻

Sophie: oH mY gAwSH


Human AU~

Keefe: *prANk* *PrAnK* *pRAnK*

Sophie: boSsY nice girl

Linh: shy girl

Biana: cool kid

Fitz: that one that everyone likes

Dex: cool nerd

and erm yeah...


Disclaimer: I'm not trying to be mean to ANY character, its just something that I thought was funny

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