Chapter 0: Prologue

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Most of the following is from the description of the story

Y/n and Mina didn't know each other in Junior High, but the moment they locked eyes in UA, they just clicked! They saw the other and thought 'now that's a person I wanna have around' so they were soon known as 'the class besties.' Although to a stranger's eye, they could seem like they were dating.

When this would happen, Y/n would get extra flirtatious. Pulling pet names like 'baby' 'babe' 'honey' 'darling' 'my love' and all that cheesy stuff. Mina would feel flustered, but always laughed it off and responded with another pet name, causing the two of them to laugh, with slight blushing faces.

Y/n was like they're blonde classmate, Denki Kaminari, in that way, she would always flirt with the other students, boy, girl, non-binary, you name it! Tell her about some stranger you see across the street, and she'll probably yell a pick-up line over to them.

Mina was flirted with the most of course, although she, and everyone else always thought it was cause they were always together, plus everyone took Y/n's flirting as her way of complimenting people.

Mina had gotten a boyfriend!! Everyone was excited for her, although.. Y/n's energy had dampened, just slightly, so only Mina could notice. When she asked her best friend what was wrong, Y/n told her she just felt lonely. So they had a girls night in Momo's dorm with all the 1A girls!!

After a few months of dating this guy, Y/n started getting suspicious, Mina's boyfriend would leave early without a real reason, and get phone calls all the time. Of course, Mina ignored it and told Y/n she was paranoid.

Fast forward to the present!!

I hope you guys enjoy this!! I have a few chapters in drafts, but I haven't been very motivated lately.. so sorry if this has slow updates.

Besties - Mina x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now