Chapter 17: Arcade Dance

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"Ok everyone! please form a straight line and board the bus safely" Iida did his iconic arm gestures, while the class got on however they want.

"bro i hate to break it to you," Denki faked being sad, "but i don't think anyone in this class is straight" he put a hand on Iida's shoulder, as if he was sorry for someone's loss.

"i am" Mineta pouted from behind Tsuyu, to which she hit him with her tongue before Sero wrapped him in tape.

"no one really cares Mineta, kero" Tsuyu walked onto the bus, while Sero dragged mineta.

Mina wasn't really listening, she was focused on her treasure hunt. Her eyes stared off at the small bouquet in her hands, even though she was zoned out. The necklace was double wrapped around her wrist, because she's just oh so stylish. It shone and sparkled, much to Aoyama's liking, under the flickering lights of the bus.

"Cable Street, we have now arrived a Cable Street." The bus driver announced, with a cheery voice, well as cheery as a bus driver can be, as they came to a stop.

"thank you!" multiple members of class 1A thanked in unison as they exited.

"ok, Y/n said 'i'll be dancing' so i assume she's talking about our favorite game." Mina thought out loud, but not mumbling like Midoriya.

Most of the class smirked at Mina as she started running into the arcade. Iida yelled at her to not run in a public place, as she could hit or knock over someone, while the girls ran after her. Making sure she didn't finished her task too fast.

"Mina wait up!!" Hagakure's sleeves waved around as she ran after the pink skinned girl.

"oh sorry!!" Mina stopped by Floppy Bird (like Flappy Bird? lol copyright) rubbing the back of her neck.

"dang you were running pretty fast, excited?" Hagakure asked in a teasing tone, Mina assumed she was smirking, though she would never know for sure.

"i mean, i dont know, maybe?" there was an awkward silence between the girls before the BakuSquad caught up. "ANYWAY! we should go!" Mina then turned around and sped walked to Just Dance. (i know this is copyrighted but, i'm sure it's fine..)

There was a girl standing next to it, she was wearing the arcade's uniform, probably a worker. she held a pink box in her hand with what looked like a note tied to the top.

A sign with Mina's name was on top of the Just Dance game, it was written out in hearts, like in the classroom. Her face flushed with embarrassment for a second.

"hey!!" the girl with a box waved her hand while looking at the 1A group. "Hey!! Are you Mina?!" she asked as they got closer.

"uh yeah!! that's me" Mina smiled.

"alright perfect! I'm F/n, (friend's name) Y/n's friend from middle school, it's nice to meet you" she held her hand out and Mina shook it, even though she was a bit jealous of how long F/n has known Y/n.

"it's nice to meet you!" she smiled.

"you too! she asked me help with your treasure hunt" the teasing tone that everyone had been using, in her voice.

"oh! ok" Mina laughed with embarrassment.

"so all you gotta do is get 5 stars on your guy's song" she smirked, "Y/n said that'll be easy for you though.

Mina laughed, it was true she was good at f/s, (favorite song) mostly because Y/n said she loved it, but 5 stars is still hard.

She walked onto the game, she loved it because she loved to dance, but also because Y/n had played it so many times with her, almost every time she came to the arcade.

The intro the started playing. Mina bopped her head a bit to the beat as the lyrics rolled in. Mina had already memorized how to do the chorus and the first verse.

'step spin, step jump, step step, spin bend'

Mina went over some of the steps in her head as the 'Perfect!' continued to pop up.

By the time the chorus started, Mina already had a crowd, besides 1A, cheering her on. Jirou held out her phone, as well as Tsuyu, recording the dance for Y/n no doubt.

'she just started' Momo texted her.

'alright thanks guys! just a couple more spots😁' Y/n responded.

Mina wiped the small amount of sweat from her forehead as she finished. Slightly out of breath she leaned against the railing behind her, which she had hit a couple times during the dance.

*bing bing bing bing bing*

the stars popped up on the screen, Mina jumped and smiled as the 5th lit up.

"WOOO YOU GO MINA" Denki yelled from behind Bakugou, causing a small chase to happen as the explosive boy's ears now hurt.



"SHIT-" Denki then tripped at the stairs, just like last time and spilled his lemonade on the floor.

"PFFT-" Sero laughed by the game, not quite involved in the chase.

"are you ok Kaminari? I told you not to run around" Iida waved his arm with slight disappointment.

"here ya go!" F/n opened the box, handing Mina pink and light pink roses, along with the note.

"thank you!" mina smiled, taking a moment to admire the roses once more.

"By the way, you are so good at dancing, it's no wonder why Y/n likes you so much."

"wait what-" Mina flushed a bright bright red.

"i gotta get to my shift, but good luck with your treasure hunt!" F/n then turned and waved as she walked away. 

Besties - Mina x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now