Chapter 11: Definitely Normal

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After Y/n and Mina got off the bus, they ran to class. Missing the first 15 minutes, earning the poor girls a short talking-to from Mr. Aizawa, and a loooong talking-to from Iida after class.

The rest of the day was normal, they went to their classes, ate lunch, and finally did their hero training. Which was just a somewhat hard workout and run.

After school the 1A girls did their homework with each other in Momo's room.

Everyone sat on her giant bed, making jokes, and solving equations. Mina and Y/n laid closer than usual, causing the other girls to smirk at each other every now and then.

"Ok so problem three" Uraraka laughed at a previous joke, "is uhm, 'John eats a bowl of cereal 3 out of the 4 meals he eats in a da-'"

"PFFT-" Y/n cut Uraraka off, "THREE OUT OF THE FOUR MEALS-" Y/n burst out laughing, as did the other girls. "THAT IS SO SAD- HE JUST- HE- HE EATS ONE REAL MEAL A DAY-" this caused everyone to laugh harder.


Momo started to quiet down, "ok ok, we need to finish the homework you guys" she smiled.

"Yeah, kero" Tsuyu agreed with a small chuckle.

"Ok, 'John eats a bowl of cereal 3 out of the 4 meals he eats in a day,'" Uraraka read aloud again, causing a stifled laugh to escape from Y/n, who found it way too funny.

"Shh- shut up" Mina said, stifling her own laugh while slapping her friend's back.

" 'he uses 2 gallons of milk over the course of 8 days. How much milk does John use per bowl? (Assume he only uses milk for cereal)' " Uraraka finally finished the question.

"Ok, well if we half the numbers then we could use 1 gallon over 4 days, it would make it easier." Momo said looking down at her paper.

"If we split it again we could do 1/2 a gallon in 2 days" Mina said.

"And we could still split it one more time, 1/4 of a gallon in one day" Y/n said proudly for being able to follow what they said.

"And then divide it by 3?" Jirou questioned.

"1/12 of a gallon per bowl" Hagakure finished.

The girls then did the next few questions like this. Somewhat making fun of the people in the equations, laughing, and eventually getting back to it and solving the problem.

Once they finished they decided they'd have a sleepover, because, well, why not? The official class besties went to their dorms to change, then met up at Mina's dorm to get ready. Everyone pooled some money together to buy some things. Momo and Jirou went out to get food, Tsu and Uraraka went with them to get games, and Hagakure rented some movies outside the store they went to.

Once everyone got back they went back to Momo's dorm. Momo held 3 boxes of pizza, Jirou brought a bag filled with candies and chocolates, Tsu and Uraraka were both trying to balance the games, Hagakure held a small bag of movies, while Mina and Y/n brought everyone's pajama's, toiletries, makeup, and a few hair ties.

"We thought we could do 'makeovers'" Mina laughed.

"Even though we're all fabulous already" Y/n said with an over dramatic hair flip, causing everyone to laugh out in agreement.

The girls sat in a circle after getting everything settled, they did their makeovers and played Monopoly while eating the goods Momo and Jirou brought. Then they watched a few movies while munching on the popcorn downstairs, and Jirou took out the karaoke machine, effectively waking up everyone in the dorms.

A few came down to sing songs, and take some of the food, but once the clock hit 12:30, the guys went back to bed, and the girls started another old Disney movie.

After finishing all the movies Hagakure had brought, everyone went back up to Momo's room. They finished most of the food before falling asleep.

Mina and Y/n were now the last two still awake. They were talking about memories with each other, with the 1A girls, and with the BakuSquad. Eventually getting to the previous night, when they were stargazing.

"The stars were surprisingly bright" Mina said, staring at the dark ceiling as if the stars were there.

"Yeah, they were almost as pretty as you" Y/n smiled.

"haha ok" Mina laughed at her.

"hey i'm serious" Y/n turned to face Mina with a playful, but sincere face.

"well, i don't believe you" Mina turned away, crossing her arms. "I think you're just saying that because you're my best frie-nd.."

Mina stopped as she felt something warm envelope her hand. A sweet touch that felt nothing short of right, correct, meant to be.

A small squeeze came onto the same hand, "I mean it" Y/n said, staring straight into Mina's eyes.

There was no joking-ness found in her eyes or in her voice. Her (eye color) eyes stared right into Mina's soul, she felt as if Y/n we're about to open the box where she had hidden her secrets, among those secrets were her feelings for Y/n. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to look away, she didn't want to change anything, but where they were didn't feel right. The debate in both girl's heads continued, as they stared into the other's eyes, the familiar feeling from when they were in the park bubbling up once more.

Butterflies fluttering every-which-way. Heartbeats pounding like bombs in their ears.

"well.." Mina started, "i think you're very pretty too"

Y/n's cheeks, no, screw that, her entire face lit up like Christmas lights. She was grateful for the lack of light, and where she laid. The moonlight against her back and on Mina's face, it was unlikely Mina could tell just how hard she was blushing.

"thank you" Y/n said after a while.

The two eventually fell asleep, they're hands still intertwined. 

Hope you guys enjoyed that!! The math problem i used was a real problem i found in a book  lol. 

Anyway, i hope you all have a great rest of your day/night, dont forget to take breaks, rest, eat, and drink. Byyee!!:)

Besties - Mina x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now