Chapter 19: Finally! We've Got Confessions!

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"she's falling in love..?" Mina couldn't comprehend what Y/n just did. She was in love with her, Mina had never told anyone outside her family that she loved them. Even serious relationships, like her last one, hadn't gotten to a verbal point.

"mina there's one more thing on the note" Jirou was reading the rest, before handing it to Mina.

Mina turned around with a very red face, grinning like crazy. "oh- thank you!" She took the note and read it aloud, " 'After that, head over to the school again.' ok, uh, let's go!!"

Mina took off running, Class 1A close behind, Momo quickly texted Y/n that they were on their way. Everyone now wanted a copy of the video

Mina's dress was flying, if someone took a slow-mo video, she would look like an angelic perfume commercial. The flowy purple skirt ended just above her knee but was gradually longer towards the back, stopping around mid calf. It had flowers at the edge, and fancy looking embroidered hearts above the flowers. The top part of the dress had the same embroidery with a sweet heart collar, which connected to the straps and short sleeves of the dress. This was all curtesy of Momo's quirk.

Mina was thankful for the extra clothes she had worn while dancing at the arcade, as she didnt want to ruin the dress she thought Momo had bought.

Mina's short curly hair bounced as she ran to the school, not even bothering to wait for the bus this time. She was running on a pure adrenaline rush. Excitement bubbling up like lava, and she was the volcano, right on the edge of erupting.

"MINA WAIT-" The girls screamed, other pedestrians yelled 'stop!' and luckily, Mina did just in time. A truck zoomed past on a red light, the wind whipping her hair and clothing around. She stood on the road, not even seeing the truck coming.

But that didn't stop her.

She took a deep breath and started running again. Some of Mina's the less athletic classmates were falling behind, like Mineta and Hagakure. They were both panting a bit, Mineta more so with his stubby little legs.

Mina never realized how far UA was from the park, though the anticipation to see Y/n might be playing a role in that. The moment the gates of UA reached Mina's sight, she felt like she was running faster than Iida! Though she probably didnt look like it. Her classmates soon caught up when she started panting in front of the gates. Her throat dry from running, stomach full of cramps, and legs feeling like jelly. Nevertheless Mina ran again with only five seconds of break.

But it seems she didn't need to, as she ran through the gates there was a sign that pointed to the side.

'This way Meens!'

Mina turned the corner, butterflies filling her stomach, and easing her cramps, before she even caught sight of the beautiful setting. The same lanterns sat on the ground, illuminating the yellow and red petal path. The class followed, only a few steps behind, camera's out, still being able to capture faces, thanks to Y/n's lanterns.

"Hello?" Mina called out, the petal path had stopped, so had the lanterns. Y/n emerged from the darkness, she wore a F/c dress that stopped above the knee all the way around and it matched well with Mina's.

"hey!" Y/n was already blushing.

"hi!" Mina repeated her greeting, Y/n had put the other end of the necklace on, though Mina wasn't able to quite read what it said.

 "so, you've almost completed my little quest!" She smiled as she walked in front of Mina. "The final part is more for me.. Mina Ashido, you have made me so so happy by just being my friend, and i have tried my best to be there for you. You were always the first person that came to my mind when i needed someone. You were my last thought before falling asleep, and my first when i woke up. I hope this doesn't sound creepy but, i have spent most of my time in UA, thinking about you.. And I don't want to put words in your mouth.. but i think you feel the same way.. so.. One thing that would make me the happiest person on earth.. would be if you went out with me. Mina Ashido will you go on a date with me?"

Class 1A was silent, everyone stared at Mina, awaiting her answer.

Mina laughed a bit, causing Y/n's heart to beat way out of her chest, "yes!! Of course!!"

Y/n smiled really wide, turning to the side to hide her blush, "thank you.."

The class cheered, all feeling extremely single now, even a few people from outside the gates were cheering, even though they had no idea what was happening inside.

Mina held Y/n's cheek in one hand, pulling her into a kiss, they both instantly melted into it. There was no awkwardness, surprisingly it just felt.. right. The two were nothing, if not soulmates. And the rest of 1A couldn't see it, but together the necklace's said 'Best Friends And More'.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but here's this :D hope y'all enjoyed, but dont get too comfortable, cause there's an epilogue that i will try my best to finish tomorrow

Yes there is now so suspense (kinda) for those of you reading this as it's being updated 


Anyways! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day, night, or whatever it is you're doing :), don't forget to eat, drink, or rest! Because we all need these things to live, and we're all better off alive. Byyeee!!

Besties - Mina x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now