Chapter 6: Midnight Talk

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Y/n was tossing and turning all night. She kept thinking about what Mina had said. She never meant to make her friend AND crush upset or uncomfortable..

Plus when she just ignored her at dinner.. She kept smiling and tried not to look at her, but knowing that she was mad at her just forced her eyes to check on the pink girl.

Eventually, Y/n gave up on the whole, 'get at least 8 hours of sleep before school' thing, and went down to get a glass of water.

On the clock it said 12 o'clock, exact. After her cup of water, Y/n looked through the pictures they had taken. Oh how much she wished she had kept her mouth shut. Or at least didn't try to flirt while comforting her friend.

She broke into tears, but kept scrolling through pictures. She was so focused on her phone she didn't hear Bakugou walk down the stairs for some water.

"What the hell? Who the fuck is down here?" Bakugou asked the depressing figure on the couch.

Y/n sat up straight and turned around and clearing her throat so she wouldn't stutter, cause she knew Bakugou would make fun of her, "hey Bakugou what's up?"

Wrong choice of words.. the simple phrase gave Y/n a flashback to the mall, when she saw Mina crying while scrolling through her phone.

"Oh its just you.. why the fuck are you down here idiot"

"U-uhm.. water?" She said, though it came out as more of a question. She didn't know why, it wasn't really a lie, she did come to get water, but she didn't plan on going back up.

Bakugou looked at the counter where her empty glass was. "Uh huh, and you're still down here?" He asked unconvinced, while filling his own cup of water.

"Yep!.." was the only answer Y/n could give.

He narrowed his crimson eyes skeptically, "You good shit head?" Bakugou would never admit it, but he was a little worried. He knew how close Y/n and Mina were, but she didn't even jump on top of her when they went to wake up Y/n, hell, the two didn't talk at dinner.

"Huh? Oh uh yeah!! Totally fine"

Bakugou stared at her.

Y/n stared back.

Bakugou switched on the lights, and sure enough, Y/n was not fine.

"Riiiiight. Cause your tear stained excuse of a face is definitely you being 'totally fine'" Bakugou said making air quotes.

Y/n felt more tears slip down her face, and Bakugou walked over after setting his empty glass down.

"Sorry.." she whimpered out

"Whatever shit head. But if you're gonna tell anyone whats going on, you might as well tell me. I'm like, the only person who can keep a fucking secret." He scoffed, thinking of a certain green haired boy, and his secret.

"O-ok.. well" Y/n then continued on, and told her explosive friend about what had happened. He kept a somewhat neutral face, though she could tell he was a little interested in what was going on with the two girls.

Once she finished Bakugou was sitting next to her on the couch. "Why did you do all that for raccoon eyes though?" He asked, though the answer was obvious, since he felt the same way, but he'd never do something so big for anyone of the 'extras' he had for friends.

Y/n had calmed down a bit during her explanation, and could now talk without the slightly annoying stutter. "Cause her boyfriends a bitch" she whisper-yelled as she flopped backwards on the couch.

At this, Bakugou laughed, "hah, you're not wrong! Idiot has a lot coming for em, after what he did" he glared to the side at nothing in particular, while smoke rose from his hands. "That bitch ain't shit" he continued while Y/n rambled on about how much she didn't give a flying shit about him.

Y/n continues her rant which was filled with curses, and insults, occasionally lifting and dropping her arms on the couch in frustration.

"Sorry.." y/n says as she realizes just how long she'd been talking. "I didn't mean to be so rude.. i was just upset over what he did to her.."

"Nah its fine, i agree with all that" he then stands up "we should both probably sleep right? You wont be able to confess to her if you're half asleep"

Y/n nodded and stood up-



Y/n turned bright red and looked up at the spikey haired boy.

"EXCUSE ME?!?-" Y/n screamed, but was cut off when a hand slapped over her mouth.

"Quiet idiot! There's other fucking people here" he whisper yelled, he didn't want to be number one because everyone was too tired to put up an actual fight.

"Right sorry.. but, how did you know?!" She whisper yelled back.

"Pshh it's obvious! The idiots i call classmates are just too thick skulled to see it" he then calmly walked towards the stairs leaving Y/n too flustered to go to sleep.

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