Chapter 2 - Where am I?

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The valley was vast, green and surrounded by mountains and it looked very familiar and then she realized that it looked just like the outback of Zaofu but the city was nowhere to be seen. Then she heard a huge gust of wind and she looked up and saw what she thought might have been Tenzin but in fear of being lectured by the airbender for being out and about ran towards the nearest tree and hid just to be safe. The airbender landed but what was unusual about him was he wasn't wearing a glider suit and held a traditional airbender glider. The airbender circled the area looking around and Kuvira saw him stomp his foot and then he stood up straight and turn in her direction.

"I know you are over there!" he said sternly. "come out!"

"OK!"Kuvira said as she stepped out with her arms up in the air. "Please don' hurt me."

"I'm not going to hurt you," He said as he walked up to her. "what is your name?"

"My name is Kuvira." she said nervously.

"Kuvira," he said as he pondered her for a moment admiring her armor. "do you know what happened here? I detected a large amount of spiritual energy in this area."

"I didn't see anything," she said as she looked at the place she had previous laid. "i was just passing through this valley."

"you don't have any supplies and you're dressed like some kind of soldier," He said with suspicion. "You with some kind of bandit group?"

"i despise bandits," Kuvira said as she said as she looked around. "Who are you?"

"Well that's a first," he said with surprise. "Everyone usually knows my name. Avatar Aang at your service."

"Avatar Aang?" She said with utter confusion before composing herself." It's a pleasure. I better get going."

"Do you need a ride?" he said as Kuvira froze trying to walk away. "I can call my bison."

"uh......" Kuvira said not knowing what to say. "I could use a ride to get to Gaoling."

"Sure thing," he said as he pulled out what looked like a whistle and blew into it but no sound came out. "he'll be here in a moment. There he is! Appa!"

the bison landed in front of Aang and Kuvira used her earthbending to jump on and Aang climbed on and they took off. Along the way she began to try and figure out what was happening, she is speaking to avatar Aang and Zaofu is gone. After a while she realized that she just might be in the past before she is born but how? The orb she thought, it must have sent her here but for what reason and why did she wants to go to Gaoling They arrived at Gaoling and Kuvira got off but was stopped by Aang

"Hey Kuvira!" he yelled as she turned around. "Good luck on your journeys."

"Thank you." she said as he went back and the bison took off.

Kuvira searched around town looking for a way to confirm what she believed and found a newspaper from republic city. The date was labeled as summer of 145 AG and her suspicions were confirmed. She had been sent back thirty years in the past and for what reason she did not know and so she need to make a plan, she needed a job so she saw a bar across from where she was standing and headed inside. The place smelt of whiskey and cactus and so she went up to the bar to get some water.

"what can I get you?" the bar keep said as she was rubbing down the counter.

"Just some water please." Kuvira said as the bartender grabbed her a glass.

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