Chapter 5: It Sets In

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Anne's POV 

The last couple of days I've been moving around on autopilot. I really need to get ahold of myself since I've been catching Stein Looking at me with his curious eyes, he's trying to read me and I know it. Making myself scarce to my fellow staff I've been in my infirmary office. There's big windows in the office on one side of the room so I can still see any patient monitors that are in the beds for recovery. This could either be after post-op or just general recovery. 

For the time being I've been doing paperwork for the midyear physical exams. I do regular check ups for the students since a lot of them are in harms way from their missions. Not to mention the physical and mental strain that their day to day activities can inflict. From what I've heard from the students that I've looked over so far, Stein's class can be a little, difficult to say the least. 

Hearing a knock at my door I looked up as it opened. I looked back down as I saw green eyes and pigtails. "Good morning Dr. Perry, is this a bad time?" she asked as she looked at me from the doorway. Her green eyes looked at me as her hands were clasped in front of her. 

"Not at all Maka, is everything all right?" I asked as she stepped into the room more and towards my office door. I looked at her as I put my pencil down, her eyes started to water a little as she looked at me. Leaning back from my desk I reached for the tissue box, standing up I carried them over to her before pulling a small rolling stool out from under a nearby desk. 

Motioning for her to sit I leaned on my desk as I looked at her. A few tears fell from her eyes as I looked her over. Taking a tissue from the box she sighed gently. "Soul and I have been fighting a little lately, it's been about the most idiotic stuff for the last couple of days." she aid as she glanced towards me. 

Sighing gently i looked at her. as well as being a doctor for the DWMA, the students have been made aware that I am also a certified counselor. With the stress of not only school, missions there's the stress of being a teenager. 

"What are they about?" I asked as I grabbed a small notebook. She began to tell me about how they fought over who was supposed to get dinner started, who left the clothes in the dryer, who ended up leaving a plate in the sink. Nodding as I looked at her she broke her gaze at the floor and made eye contact with me. 

"We had fights like this before, last year with everything going on with Medusa, and the school. Professor Stein told us that it was good to get it out of our system, and it made our relationship stronger, I still have a little scaring from when Soul's staff burned my hands, but this, this worried me." 

Giving a small smile I looked at her. "Maka, having fights here and there in a relationship is entirely normal, I would be more worried if you two didn't bicker every once in a while. You two live together, and see each other all of the time, being together a lot of the time if not all of it. From what I've seen for you and Soul I can tell that you two are very close and care a lot about each other. I'm sure that this will end up being the same as a year ago with you two fighting, it will only make your relationship stronger. Though try not to wield him and burn your hands again." 

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Dr. Perry." Nodding as I walked her to the door and I stepped out with her, I stopped as I felt eyes on me. Glancing around, I adjusted my glass and looked to see Stein leaning against a wall. Crossing my arms I looked at him as he started to saunter over a little. "Do you find it fun following me around?" I asked as he got closer. 

Smirking he shrugged and puffed on a cigarette as he looked at me. "That's for me to know, now tell me. Why have you been hiding away in your infirmary office all week?" Raising a brow at him as he leaned on the wall next to me as I looked at him. 

"I have been in my infirmary office, doing the job I was hired for. Now do I have to ask you if you've been doing the job you were hired for, or ahve you been too busy following me around and trying to decide if my past is worth your curiosity?" 

He stared at me as if he had met his match, as if he had nothing to say. Nodding gently I turned and went back into the office and closed the door. Sighing heavily I looked at the paperwork on my desk. Sitting back at my chair I ran my hand through my hair and looked at the papers. Looking at the papers there was a loud noise from the hallway, a student slamming a locker. Blinking I went from being at my desk to being back at a child's height. Looking around there was a partially open door that had light flooding from it. 

Walking over and peeking into the room, there was a man that was slamming doors to different storage cabinets. Hiding behind the door as he looked around the room he was in and grumbled to himself. Blinking as I went back to where I was at my desk i looked at the clock. What was happening to me? Why was I seeing these things? 

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