Chapter 9: Awakening

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Stein's POV

It was quiet. The only sound that was in the infirmary was the steady beep on the heart monitor that was next to Anne's hospital bed. Though after I've been listening to it for so long I've been able to ignore it.

Currently I had been working on some paperwork and reports for what's been going on. Anne had one other panic attack while she's been asleep, and I did administer another dose of a sedative for her to relax.

Beyond that there hasn't been a change. Spirit had come by to check up on how things are going, most likely doing reports for Lord Death. I've only been able to tell him the same thing every time he comes in here. No change.

I had attempted to see if Spirit knew anything about what was happening from her file but he told me that Lord Death has kept her file sealed. Reasons that only the shinigami knows since even the Death Scythes don't have clearance.

Leaning back in my chair as I sighed gently and looked at the ceiling. The white drop ceiling staring back at me as I stare blankly at it. There was a small noise behind me, turning in my chair as it caught my attention, Anne was sitting up and attempting to get out of bed. Getting up and rushing over to her as I caught her before I fell I put her back into bed.

"Easy, now. You've been asleep for a while and you shouldn't rush getting up." I looked at her and tilted my head. Her face was blank like she didn't hear what I said or she didn't care.

"Anne?' I asked as I looked at her. Her brown eyes only looking back at me, blinking every so often. "Are you listening?" I asked as I grabbed my pen light from my pocket and clicked it on, checking her pupillary response.

Equal and reactive. So what's going on? Why is she staring at me like this?

Walking over to the small table after I put my pen light away I heard the buzzing for the call button on the remote that was for patients to be able to get water if they needed it. Turning around as I furrowed my brows I saw that she was frantically pushing it.

Stepping back over and putting the clipboard on her bed gently I put my hands over hers and took the remote from her gently.

"You don't need to murder the button, I'm not going far. What do you need?" I asked as I looked at her. She looked away from me and looked around the room. Following her gaze as there was nothing out of order I rose a brow and scratched my chin.

"Why are you not answering?" I asked and she turned to look at me again. Now that her glasses were off I could see her face and it was pleasant. I hadn't noticed before that she was easy on the eyes. There were very light freckles that were on the upper parts of her cheeks.

Humming gently I grabbed the clipboard before I went to turn and walk towards my stool. Feeling something grab my lab coat sleeve and keep me from getting far, I turned to see her holding onto the sleeve. Turning back to her and looking at her before she pointed to the clipboard.

Handing it to her she took that quickly and dropped my arm. Tilting my head as I watched to see what she was up to, she flipped the chart around and circled the notes for the panic attacks she had. Putting a small question mark to it she turned and held it up to me.

Looking at her I shrugged gently and shook my head. "I'm not sure, have you had an anxiety problem before?" I asked and she shook her head. I watched as she squinted ad she tried to find what I assumed to be her glasses. Thinking of where I put them i remembered they were in my pocket. Reaching into my pocket to get them, I handed them to her and she put them on. Blinking a little before rubbing her eyes. I'd give her some Tylenol later if any eye strain occured.

"All I can tell you is that you had two panic attacks while you were asleep. Did you dream about anything?" I asked. She shook her head and I rose a brow again.

"You don't know or you don't want to talk about it?" I asked only for her to make the number two sign with her fingers. Probably meaning the second one, so she dreamt about something.

"Why don't you use your voice?" I asked and she motioned to her throat and rubbed it gently. Nodding as I looked at her I sighed. I decided I would text Naigus and ask her to bring some tea in for her.

After that was done I looked at the weapon and sat down. "Do you remember anything before you woke up here?" I asked and she reached her hand out for the clipboard. Putting some lined paper on it and give there a pen I handed it over.She scribbled for a second before she flipped it around.

Just the meeting with Lord Death. Why?

"I watched you leave and after you didn't come back I followed you, and ended up finding you in the basement for the school in the hold of what I thought was a hallucination. After you collapsed I brought you her and you've been her for almost two weeks now."

She looked down as she sighed gently, her face falling as she frowned. Clicking the pen again she scribbled some more and held it up to me.

I'm sorry for being a burden, I hope it hasn't been too bothersome for you to teach and be in her while I've been out.

I shook my head and waved my hand a little. "Never mind that now, lord Death and spirit are just going to be pleased you're awake. For now I think you should eat so your strength can come back up again." I said. She nodded and I grabbed the clipboard. Naigus came in not long after with tea and food for her and she ate quietly. Though it wasn't like she would talk anyway. 


The story name will be changed to 'Mysteries of the soul'

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