Chapter 6: His File

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Your POV 

It's been a  week since I last had saw the shadow figure, or had a memory from my childhood resurface. I think I've been in the clear and everything should have stopped for good, though there's something that's buzzing in my skull that it isn't over, not quite yet anyway. Putting my money on the counter I was handed the coffee I had ordered before work.

"Keep the change." I said as I turned to walk out of the Death City Café. Being blinded by the desert sun for a moment, I made my way towards the school. Getting up the steps I sipped my coffee and went into my office.  I've  memorized most of the files of all thousand kids in this school, and next year I'll have to learn hundreds more. 

Taking my keys from my lab coat pocket, I slid the key into the knob and turned it, unlocking the door. Stepping into the room I removed the key and dropped it back into my pocket before I put my coffee on my desk and went to a filing cabinet. Opening it I pulled a stack of files from the drawer and closed it. 

Moving to my desk where I sat down and opened the first one, back to another day of learning files until I had to go and help a student or another staff member. Though the bliss of reading didn't last for long before there was yelling in the hall. Standing slowly I walked out of my office to see a few students that were walking. Walking over to them, i cleared my throat. They stopped and turned to see me, my glasses shining in the light. 

"What seems to be the problem here?" I asked as I slid my hands into my lab coat pockets, playing with a scalpel I had in there. 

"N-nothing, Dr. Perry!" one boy said while the other one nodded gently. 

"Really? You two aren't lying to me now are you? You were making quite the commotion out here." I asked as i tilted my head a little, a gentle smirk showing up on my face. 

"Well you see, Dr. Perry. Brandon forgot to take the trash out last night, so I had to this morning and it made it that breakfast ran late and we ended up being a little late today." one said. 

Raising a brow i looked between the two boys. "Sounds to me that you two should work on your communication skills, arguing between partners is always less than ideal. It can cause wavelength syncing issues, which in turn, can make resonance difficult, and that can result in wounds or even possibly death." 

They gulped and nodded before they ran off towards class. I hummed gently as the bell rang, I turned to walk back into the infirmary, only to run into something. Adjusting my glasses I looked up slowly, only to be greeted with none other than Professor Stein. 

"You handled that quite well, Dr. Perry." he said as he loomed over me. 

Humming gently I tried to step around him, only for him to move a bit faster and block me. "Professor Stein, if you'd be so kind as to let me into my infirmary, I have work to do." I crossed my arms and looked back up at him again. 

"I would have spoken to you in your infirmary, though I was stopped by the sight of you disciplining two students. The very two students that I had been told of a few moments prior to spotting you speaking with them." 

Raising a brow I glanced towards the clock as the second bell rang out through the halls. "You're stopping me from doing my job to tell me this why exactly?" I asked. He was up to something, though I couldn't exactly place what. He doesn't seem like the type to stop people from doing their jobs just for small reasons. 

"Lord Death has asked me to inform you about the meeting this afternoon after school is dismissed for the day, unless you have reason to believe you'll be too busy with your work." he said as his hands moved from his lab coat pockets to his hips as he pushed the lab coat out of the way. 

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