Chapter 7: Hallucinations

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Your POV 

We had all gathered in the Death Room to find out what Lord Death had wanted to speak with us about. Standing on the small platform in the large room I waited for him to speak up. Being in the crowd of the taller Meisters and Weapons I stood there and thought of Stein's file. What caused him to be the sadistic person he is today? Something in his childhood perhaps? I've seen the amusement that's come up in his eyes when he toys with me. 

I felt my ears perk up as a voice started to speak. Turning my attention to the voice it was Lord Death.  "Good afternoon! I've gathered you here today to speak about the Gala that's going to be happening at the end of the month to celebrate the anniversary of the DWMA!" there was a few mutters around the group as we heard what this was about. 

"As you all know, this is a formal and mandatory event for all staff and students, everyone must attend." he ended up getting drowned out as the buzzing in the back of my skull got obnoxiously loud. Reaching up to hold my head I furrowed my brows. Turning on my heels as I decided i couldn't stand in that room full of people, I turned and made my way out of the room as quietly as I could. Being short had it's advantages since I could sneak away from social things. 

Getting to the hallway, I made a sprint for my infirmary, only to reach the door and decide I didn't want to be there. Turning on my heels once more I remembered the blueprints of the school as my head pounded. My vision went in and out of focus as I opened a few doors and went down some steps. 

Stein's POV 

I watched as Dr. Perry ducked the meeting and ran out of the room. Raising a brow as i turned my attention back to Lord Death I ignored the situation. Listening to Lord Death talk about the annual dance I felt my foot start to tap a little as I held onto my lighter in my pocket. Glancing back towards the door for the Death Room I started to walk out and see if i could find out where she went. Walking out of the Death Room I headed towards the infirmary. Standing outside of the room for a moment I knocked before listening for an answer. 

When one wasn't given, I opened the door and closed it behind me and looked around. She wasn't in her infirmary or the office from what I could tell. Stepping over to the back side of her desk I knelt down and checked under the desk. Seeing something catch my eye I slid it out from under the desk. Reading my name on the file I picked it up and stood up. Why was she reading this? I thought she only needed to read files on the students? 

Putting it back on the desk i sighed gently before I walked back out into the hall. Looking down the hall I thought for a moment. I didn't know her at all. If she isn't in her infirmary where would she be? The bathroom perhaps? Or maybe she went towards the sublevels of the school? Thinking she didn't seem like the type to hide in the bathroom, I headed for the basement. Getting through a couple of doors that locked behind me, I walked down some steps. I listened as I walked for any noises. 

Using my soul perception I tried to pick up the familiar feeling her soul gave me. It was calm, though lately it's been extremely closed off. I had originally chocked it up to her being nervous or busy with work, though now I believe otherwise. Putting my hands in my pockets I pulled my pack of cigarettes out of my pocket and tapped it against my left palm. Flipping it open I pulled one out and put the carton back into my pocket and switched it for the lighter. 

Puffing on the cigarette once it was lit I released the smoke while I twisted the screw in my head. Humming gently I continued walking before I stopped in my tracks. That familiar soul wavelength was back. It was close enough that I could figure out where she was hiding. Stepping in one direction a few times I felt the soul wavelength get stronger. Following it I thought for a bit. I hadn't really been able to put a finger on exactly what it was about her soul. The calmness was something I couldn't seem to forget. I'm unsure why but even when she was annoyed it didn't waver. Now there was something different. Like it was the soul of someone I didn't know. 

Turning the corner I found her standing in the middle of the hall. She was holding her sides as her head was bowed. Looking at her I stepped closer. Dropping my cigarette on the floor, I stepped on it as I walked towards her. 

"Dr. Perry?" I asked as I stood a few feet from her. "Is everything all right?" I asked as I watched her jump before she shook her head. 

"N-no..." she mumbled before she covered her ears. "Make him go away..." 

Raising a brow for a moment it started to become clear. She was in the middle of a hallucination. Reaching a hand out as I stepped towards her some more, I stopped behind her before I put my hand on her shoulder gently. She tensed under my touch and I pulled away as she turned around with eyes that looked at me and were still able to look through me. Whatever she was looking at had her petrified. Watching as her arm glowed before it turned to a scythe blade, she swiped at me but I ducked. Grabbing her firmly but enough not to hurt her, I used my Soul Menace only enough to knock her out. Picking her up I carried her back to the infirmary and put her on a bed. Hooking her up to the heart monitor I checked her vitals and waited for her to wake up. 

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