Chapter 1: New Job

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Here it is! The new update for this story the entirely new slate! I hope this is better than the last version! If not I'm very sorry. Enjoy~! 

??? POV 

It was a new day in Death City. The creepily laughing sun was out and shinning on the city as it would on any other summer day. It was almost as if it was laughing maniacally at the citizens as it was beating them down into the cobblestone streets with the heat it was inflicting. Although this wasn't known to most of the citizens except for a select few that work at the Death Weapon Meister Academy, or DWMA for short, there was a new girl in town. Or should we say a new woman, and she's a clever one.  

She never gave herself much credit for the things that other people notice very quickly. Such as her beauty and her intellect. The two very things in her life that never seemed to be worth much to her. As she saw it, they were just things for people to flaunt over and when it came down to it they never seemed to matter. No one looks for intellect as much as they look for beauty. Alas, it always seemed that the beauty was always cancelled out due to the fact that she was rather eccentric, more so than other women her age. 

How is she odd you ask, well that's rather simple. Unlike most women her age she doesn't wear make up or have fancy jewelry, nor does she take the time to fix her hair or go shopping for garnish clothing. Hell she rarely takes the time to go grocery shopping. So yes, to the standards that we have today for many women in their early to mid twenties she is a rather odd female. Though her self image was never something she worried about throughout her life. What she did worry about, however, was the fact that she has some rather peculiar demons that she has to keep at bay. This had caused her to grow up protecting her soul at all costs so that meant that many barriers were thrown up and very few people could get through them. No matter how persistent they had tried to be. 

Because once those have gotten lose. She may never see the light of another day all due to the fact that the darkness of the madness would shut out any light and keep her locked away inside her mind forever. So on this bright and sunny morning in Death City and her very first morning in the new city that she would be living in, she was getting ready for her new job. No she wasn't a teacher. She didn't want to teach the same subject day in and day out and see the same faces. She never cared too much for routine. 

She had gone to school for the one thing that managed to make sense  throughout her high school career, and that was biology. Yes, she was rather  nerdy to the subject and it always fascinated her. More than anyone else she knew at least. As she got ready she pondered what her first day would be like. If anyone would give her trouble. What kind of place the DWMA was going to be. If her co-workers would start to dig into her personality on the first day. She took one last look in the mirror as she was done getting ready. She had a very pale and round face. She rarely did ever go outside and when she did was it wasn't for long, or her chestnut brown hair would cover her face. 

She never felt inclined to use any cosmetics so she never wore it. She was rather tall for her age even though she was a female. She never wore heels only sneakers. She never wore anything such as dress clothes. So she usually wore black scrubs to work with a long sleeve dark grey shirt under the scrub top. She also wore a lab coat that went to mid calf on her body. It had a few rips and tears from years of use so there were often stitch lines through her lab coat. She had no jewelry so the only thing she had that was even remotely an accessory were her wide framed deep purple glasses. 

With one quick check list of things that she needed to make sure were already taken care of she was out the door of her apartment and into the cobblestone streets of her new city and on her way to meet her new boss of her new job. She walked quickly as she needed to be on time and had no time for unnecessary chitchat with strangers whom of which she had no intent in getting to know. She weaved in and out of streets and alleyways before she could see the stairs of the DWMA.  She began walking to them and didn't seem to care as she was cutting off other peoples' paths. 

Not being one for stairs she stopped at the first one and looked up at the top as her glasses reflected the light from the sun.  Glancing over at the rail to her right and walked over to it, she gave a very light shrug before standing on it and giving a slight crouch before she began to run up the rail and passing anyone that was on the stairs. At the top she jumped off and gave a small roll before she stood slowly and rolled her shoulders and brushed off her lab coat before she walked inside and gathered the attention and curiosity of the students around her. 

She walked through the halls her hands in her lab coat pockets and her head hung slightly as she never made eye contact with anyone. She used the floor for guidance and her hearing for where other people may be. She eventually found the entrance to the Death Room and opened it and walked in following the red guillotine path. After a few moments she came upon a platform with a rather large mirror on it. There was someone with a long black robe standing on it and he seemed to be speaking to someone smaller. The man had shoulder length fiery hair and wore a black suit. 

She walked up to the platform and up the steps and stood quietly watching the two speak. They slowly turned and the redhead seemed to look her over while the larger one waved and bounced over to her slightly. 

"Hello hello~! You must be the new doctor." He said in a rather high pitched and perky voice that would really take some getting used to. 

She gave a slight nod and they looked at each other. "Well I'm Lord Death and this is Spirit Albarn." She said and a rather large gloved hand appeared and a finger poked the redhead in the cheek. 

The redhead gave a wave before his deep blue eyes sparkled and he made himself only several inches from her face as he was giving her googly eyes. 'What kind of  man lets him stoop to such low standards?' she asked herself. 

Before she could comprehend what was happening in her now uncomfortable position there was a loud smacking noise as the redhead fell to the floor holding his head as a fountain of blood was seeping through his laced fingers. He rolled on the floor of the platform as tears had began flowing down his cheeks and he dcreeched painfully. 

"Ow Lord Death! What was that for?!" he wailed. 

Lord Death made a small shoo motion with his hand as he dismissed the bleeding man. "I cannot tell you how sorry I am for my weapon to act the way he has been. I will call a nurse to show you to your new office and you may start your day there. There are a few co-workers I would like for you to meet, but that can wait until it is lunch time." he said. 

The bleeding redhead had now at this time stood up and collected himself. He gave a slight bow as he apologized for his actions. I looked at him as I felt my eye twitch slightly as he was getting on my nerves fairly quickly. Lord Death pinched his head and moved him out of my sight. I looked at him and he stood up straight. 

"You may go to your office now. I hope you enjoy working with us here at the DWMA." he said and he turned to look at the redhead as I turned and walked silently back to the entrance. But as I was leaving I heard the redhead say something. 

"She is awfully like Stein now isn't she?" 

'Stein huh? I wonder who that being is and why am I being compared to him or her? I guess I'll have to find out soon enough.' 

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