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"I know you may have trust issues, come with me to the library after school. I'll show you something." —  Chungha said.

I nodded in response.

I guess....


"Goodbye class!"
The teacher walk outside with her books.

"Lia, I have to go now. See you tomorrow!"
I waved at Lia.

"See you Yeong-ah!"
Lia waved goodbye then I walked outside, waiting for Chungha.

"Okay, Let's go now."
Chungha walk towards me. Then she starts groping her hands on her pocket.

"Wait, where is my crystal?"
Chungha asked herself as she started to look worried.

"Go check your locker, maybe its there."
I suggested.

Chungha agreed then she walk towards her locker as I followed her.

"Ah, found it" — She grab the purple crystal in relief then she place it inside her pocket.

"What type of crystal is it?"
I asked in curiousity.

"It's an Amethyst crystal."
She replied.

"Woah I didn't know you have crystals."
I remarked.

"Yeah, this is my only one. Sunmi, she bought this for me a while ago. "
Chungha then signalled me to come with her to the library.

"Here we are!" — Chungha push the door open.

"Let's put our bags there."
I pointed then we walk towards the empty seat.

"Nice, okay follow me."
Chungha said as soon as we place our bags near the seats then I follow her towards the librarian.

"Mrs. Zhang?"
She called out the librarian who was organizing the books on the shelves.

"Ah yes ma'am?"
The librarian turn her head towards Chungha and I.

"Do you have a book where all our biodata are there?"
Chungha asked her.

"Yep, wait for a sec."
Mrs. Zhang walk towards a stack of books and take one of them.

"Thank you!"
Chungha thanked then Mrs. Zhang hand the book to Chungha. It seems heavy. I followed Chungha back to our seat.

"Here, everything is in here. This is us, and Sunmi's was two years ago. I'll let you take a look on Sunmi's."
Chungha flipped the page carefully then pointed a picture of a girl.

"She looks so pretty."
I complimented as I looked at the picture. She has a long dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Look, her bio says 'human'."
Chungha pointed.

"Okay so let's move on to our's."
Chungha then starts flipping the pages. But suddenly something came across my mind.

"By the way, how old is the school?"
I asked Chungha then she stopped flipping the pages.

"The school is around three hundred and fifty years old. The owner is still alive until today."
She replied. I nodded in response.

"Here this is us."
Chungha pointed at my picture.

"Your bio, it says 'human' as well." — "And some of us have elements or superpowers. Our symbols and description are here."

"I am a wolf and I don't have any element sadly. I don't have any symbol. "
Chungha said as I inspect my classmate's  and some other's data. Lia has water, Xiumin has frost, Tao has  time control, Taeyong has flame–  Kris has flight, Kai has teleportation, Luhan has telekenesis, Yeji has Intangibility–   There are so many of them.

"Thank you Chungha for giving all of this information."
I thanked her.

"No problem!"
Chungha closed the book then approached Mrs. Zhang, the librarian, returning the book to her.


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