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"Are you sure?" Lia ensured me. "Yes I am, I haven't talked to them in awhile," I told her. 

"Becareful for Yiren, we don't know what she is up to," Lia warned. "Don't worry," I smiled then stood up from my seat.

"Let's go Yeongja!" Tao wrap his arm around my shoulders then we walk outside along with Xiumin glaring at him.

Tao drag me as Xiumin walked behind us to next class. He open the door, revealing only the boys. "Hey Yeongja!" Kai approached and ruffled my hair.

"Hello everyone!" I happily greeted everyone then Tao released his arm from me.

Then we talked for the whole lunch break in their class, as if they don't have any feelings for love at me. We talked as if we're friends. I'm glad that everything is doing well. However, I'm not sure that they're free from their feelings for me. If they do, I couldn't accept any of them no matter what. I can't, we belong in two different nature — they are wolves, I am a human.


"Ah we have to go now," Xiumin whine as he approach the door. "I wish we can stay longer, but we have to go," I pouted.

"Go ahead, before any one enters," Chen motioned his hands, signalling Xiumin, Tao and I to leave. "See ya later," Tao waved goodbye then we exit the classroom and head to our class.

"Yeong-ah!" Lia tap my shoulder which made me stop my pace and turn my head towards her.

"How is everything going?" She asked. "Great!" I replied which made her smile. "Glad to hear that," she smiled then head to her seat.

I approach my seat as well and waited for the teacher to enter the class.

Watch out Yeongja

You might feel safe, I guess I'll spare you for today.

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