Chapter 2: A Dangerous Game

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On their first day at Paradis, the alliance members decide to visit Mikasa and go to the place where Eren is resting. Mikasa was very happy when they visited her. Relax under a tree, telling stories about the past when they were still cadets. Connie reminds them of Annie and Mikasa's fight, which is never known the winner, because Keith Shadis ordered them to disperse.

"Honestly, I wanted to know how it went. We were all curious." Connie said that without hesitation, laughing.

"You mean you want us to have a rematch?" Annie responded to Connie's statement, glancing at him with a flat face.

"No, no .. hmmm .. that's not what I meant .. haaahh .. I seem to have spoken the wrong way." Connie felt bad about it. Instantly, everyone laughing.

Pieck, who never knew what their past was like, what the story was like, she could only smile and listen. As long as they were together, there was only one thing that made her feel odd. Isn't it commonplace when old friends gather and talk about the past, but the little woman felt that Jean paid more attention to Mikasa.

This was indeed not an odd thing, they were all friends, it was natural that they paid more attention to their other friends. But Pieck felt it was different, there was more to it than that.

'Does he like Mikasa?' that sentence just appeared in Pieck's mind. She thought it seemed like everyone knew except her. It was only natural, because she only knew Jean and the others when the war broke out. But, somehow when that sentence sounded clear in her head, there was an unpleasant feel in her chest. As if the sentence could crush her chest so that she could not breathe.


The sun was almost setting when they all returned home. They invite Mikasa to have dinner together, but the girl gently refuses and promises that next time she will try not to refuse.

Jean immediately went to the kitchen, it seemed like he was going to prepare dinner for all of them. Jean was used to do this after all. Out of the six members of the alliance, Jean was the most good at cooking and usually there would be one or two people who would help him. Learning from his mother's recipes, the other members never complained about what was served by him.

Jean looked at the available ingredients and decided to cook curry. As long as Jean could remember, everyone loved the curry and the omelette he made. Remembering these things made him miss his mother a lot 'looks like tomorrow I'll visit her.'

"need help?" Jean turned straight to the kitchen door and found Connie already there.

"Yes, you may." Jean rolls up his sleeves and Connie walks over to the dining table where the ingredients are being prepared.

"I'm thinking of visiting my mother tomorrow. How about you?" Jean had expected it if Connie thought the same thing as him.

"yes, I thought the same thing. I'm sure my mom would cook a lot of food for us if she knew I was coming." Jean answered while chopping the vegetables. "do you want to invite others?"

"I really want, but I'm not sure this is safe for my mother. I think, you think the same." Connie is still focused on cutting the meat in front of him.

"Yes, but if someone wants to come along, I will not refuse, even though they all won't ask for it." Jean paused his activities for a moment, "Haaa ... we did return to our hometown but I don't feel like we're really going home."

"This has been our decision, from the start we knew it would be like this. Therefore Historia also helped us, ensuring our family remains safe under his direct protection. Even though Paradis has built a military force on behalf of the Yeager faction, we all know Eren doesn't want it that way, also Historia too." what Connie said they had already discussed, brokering was not easy, getting the people at Paradis to understand everything was very difficult. In fact, it took them three years to try to convince the countries outside the island that the Titan Power had disappeared and they were no longer a threat.

"You are right." Jean no longer argues about it.

"But as long as we've all been together in these three years, there are things that really intrigue me. What's actually going on between you and Pieck?" Jean just grinned and remained busy preparing the food.

"I've already told you before, there was nothing between us." Jean replied casually.

Connie stopped his activities and looked at Jean, "Nothing? Really? Teasing each other is a very dangerous game. Come on tell me, you guys like each other right?" Connie pointed at Jean with the knife in his hand.

"Stop pointing at me with dangerous objects." Connie lowered the knife, "Yes, We like each other. If we all don't like each other, then this alliance won't form." Jean turned to bring ingridient to the table next to the stove.

"Akkhh .. that's not what I mean. Are you in love with each other?" Jean just turned to look at Connie and raised an eyebrow. "Come on, how long has this been going on? Almost 3 years, right? Oh no, to be exact, 2 years and few months. Right?" Jean took the meat that Connie had cut and returned to the stove table.

"I'm so impressed you remember something insignificant." Jean started cooking the curry. Put the ingredients one by one into the pan.

"Jean, I'm serious. If you think teasing each other is just a game, you are playing a dangerous game. Maybe the first time you played it, you didn't feel anything. But playing it for more than two years can make you feel something. Even if you don't admit it, it will inevitably appear little by little. " Connie sounded serious talking about it. "Haa .. Sorry buddy, it's not like I want to control you. But I'm just warn you, before you both get hurt in the end."

"Yes, I understand." Jean only answered briefly and Connie change the subject. However, what Connie had to say made Jean think about it.

'Is it possible that they both feel it unconsciously?'

'Is this really just a game?


Two and a half years ago, Marley

'A tiring day' enjoying a little alcohol and sitting in a quiet bar for a few hours with alliance members made Pieck feel a little tired of being lifted.

Jean walked over to the bar table and sat next to Pieck. For a moment, no words came out of the two of them. They were silent and enjoyed the alcohol in their glasses.

Jean turned to Pieck who was closed her eyes while listening to jazz music playing in the bar. Her black hair covered half of her face. Jean just stared at her. Without Pieck realizing it, Jean stretched his hand towards Pieck's face, touched the hair that covered part of her face and tucked it behind her ear. Pieck immediately opened her eyes and turned towards Jean with a wondered face.

"You are very beautiful." Jean spat out the sentence just like that.

Pieck still wondered and surprised, "what?"

To be Continued...


thank you for reading this... :3
I will keep an update every thursday.. 🥰
next update on April 29th

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