Chapter 6

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Aomine's POV

We were siting down at the park while Atsumu tried to tell me it was alright and he didn't need to know but I could tell he was lying. He was just feeling bad.

"I was in a relationship once." I started saying and Atsumu kept quiet ready to listen to anything I had to say.

"I loved him a lot. Fuck...Haha" I giggled in disbelief. I was really about to tell him about this. 

I felt Atsumu place his hand on my shoulder. He wanted me to stop. He didn't want me to go on.

"Aomine, it hurts you to talk about it. So please, you don't have to."

A few weeks ago, Atsumu and I went shopping because he said he needed something for his boyfriend. As we were walking we started talking about whether or not, secrets were worth keeping. 'Tsumu said yes, I said no. In turn I also told him I would never hide anything from him:

"What do you mean they aren't worth keeping?" 

"Their just a burden Tsumu. They weigh you down and when you do want to confess or talk about it, it becomes harder and near impossible."

"But sometimes people keep secrets to prevent themselves from getting hurt. You can't talk to people about everything. They might judge you."

"Even if you keep them, won't they still judge you?"

"Secrets also in my opinion are fears that people have."

"So you're saying fear is justified?" I was confused now, was he against it or for it.

"Yes. Some fears prevent you doing something stupid. An example."


"If you saw someone shoplifting and you could tell that they were doing it because they were hungry, what would you do?"

"Rat them out," I said without a second thought.

"Aomine, you're not that cold. Be honest with me, come ooonnn," he had whined and started to tug of my sleeve.

"I would buy it for them," I said looking away from him because he was staring at me with those large eyes of his.

He smiled and asked if I would still report the person even after buying whatever they wanted for them. I was honest and told him that it would a waste of time and before I could stop myself I added: "I'd keep it a secret."

Tsumu smiled. I found myself telling him that I would be worried and afraid if they got arrested or something  but then told him that the secret had nothing to do with fear.

"Yeah you're right. So you don't keep secrets?" he had asked me.

I was quiet a bit and he started apologizing. I laughed and told him it was okay.

"I do but don't worry, I would never keep anything from you."

"Huh? But you don't have to tell me. I'm not entitled -"

I placed my hand on his head and pushed his head down so that he was looking at the ground. I felt my face heat up with what I was about to say next.

"No secrets between you and me. Ever. Do you understand? I'll tell you everything but you can keep secrets just fine, I won't pry unless I think it's a problem and its hurting you."

Tsumu tried to raise his head but my grip was tight.

"I understand." He replied and as he tried to move his head, I saw his cheeks had a faint red color. Was he blushing? He's really bashful huh.

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