Chapter 24

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Aomine's POV

"You little slut," Tobias said as he glared at Atsumu.

I didn't think twice before dragging him.

"Aomine let me go, you can't be serious. You were busy with him so I couldn't come in?!!"

"No! You can't come in because I don't want you in here."

Tsumu came downstairs but headed towards the kitchen.

"I'll take a page out of my brother's book so before I turn around, get the fuck out of my house," Tsumu said as he opened the fridge and poured himself a cup of water.

"Who do you think you're talking to? No before that did you just say your house? Your house? Aomine I think you've spoiled him too much," Tobias said.

I hadn't let go off his arm and I didn't intend to until he was thrown out. I tried dragging him but he reached his hand and grabbed the wall and did not let go.

"You can't do this! I need to talk to you but just because you have this little gay slut, you're ignoring me. Come on Aomine!! Fucking listen to me."

"Ok I'm listening," I said as I let go. I could have held on but something told me that he would scream louder which I was not about to deal with. 

On second thought, I said before grabbing his arm and trying to drag him but he broke free.

"I hate seeing you, do you know that?" I said, glaring at him.

"But - but you've never said that before. You've never pushed me away for this long. Look I know I can be difficult and I'm probably not making any sense but -"

"So you know you're not making sense you fucking asshole. You know you're not and yet you're still here," I held his head in my hands and gripped them tightly. "Leave me the fuck alone. I'm already at my limit."

"Shit, Aomine that hurts. Let go -"

"No you want me to hold you right. So I'll hold you once just as a warning. Don't. Ever. Show. Up. In. Front. Of. Me. Again. I should be punching the living shit out of your for insulting him but he wouldn't want that now."

"If he never showed up, would we still be together?" he asked once I let go of his face. "You used to cling to me for dear life or hold onto me. Hell you even chose me over your friends sometimes until he came. You had and still HAVE only me. He'll leave as well and you'll come crawling back and I'll take you in again. Do you know why? Oh I'm sure you do. It's because you're like that. You're built to always come back. SO WHY IS IT DIFFERENT NOW ONLY AFTER HE CAME!!?! You loved me. So what now? You think somebody's going to love you? You think he's-"

I glared at him. 

I was scared that he was right. What if we hadn't met Oikawa and Atsumu, would I still have wanted to sever ties completely with Tobias? Would I still have our fucked up version of friends with benefits and no boundaries? Scenarios of what if's kept popping up and I could feel myself slowly retreating into a shell. 

The sound of a flesh being smack is what brought me to my senses.

"Y-y-you - did you j-just -"

"I punched you so what? You're going to cry or start degrading me to make yourself fell better. IF IT HURTS YOU SO MUCH BE A FUCKING MAN AND PUNCH ME BACK! COME ON! DO IT!" Atsumu yelled as he grabbed Tobias' collar.

I must have looked stupid but all I could do was watch this scene unfold before me. Atsumu fighting for me made me feel more loved than ever. I'm used to fighting for him and for Momoi but seeing him fight for me brought back a memory I had long forgotten.

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