Chapter 18

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Third Person POV

After Oikawa calmed down, Kagami decided it would be best to take him to a different store to buy the items he needed and then return home.

Kagami had expected Kawa to be quiet but to his surprise, he was rather chatty.

He really did intend to move on and learn to love himself more.

He was done wallowing in the misery that had been a failed relationship were he gave so many chances but received nothing in exchange. This made Kagami smile.

He would steal glances at Oikawa to still make sure that he was alright and indeed he was. He was smiling, laughing and dragging him around the store.

Kagami was always happy to be with Oikawa and was filled with much joy whenever Oikawa was happy but now it was different. Kagami could finally see it.

Oikawa was back. 

Not the Oikawa he met for the first time two months ago but rather a much better version of Oikawa.

A much more loud, fun, free spirited and surprisingly flirty Oikawa.

He had known that Oikawa could be flirty with people as a joke but seeing it now, he laughed at how much of Oikawa's personality, which had been buried underneath, was now being shown freely.

"Mimi COME HERE!" Oikawa yelled out to Kagami.

Kagami didn't know how but Oikawa had managed to drag him to an amusement park considering that it was 7 pm.

Kagami walked up to Oikawa, then stood behind him, placed both hands on his shoulders and started to stir him away from the park.

"Nope. Not happening. We have school tomorrow and you'll finally be in school after two weeks. You need rest so not happening. Come on, let's go home."

"Mimi come on, you're no fun. Ok just one ride -"

"I'm not falling for that."

Oikawa weakly struggled and whined but Kagami kept pushing him further away from the park.

Once the park was out of site, Kagami let go of Oikawa's shoulders and placed his hands in his pockets.

To be honest, he wanted to pull Oikawa closer to him so that he could be leaning on him but 

1. He didn't want to seem like some guy who hits on everyone or like a creep


2. Oikawa was currently pouting about missing the amusement park.

"Come on, we can come back anytime," Kagami said as he tried to cheer Oikawa up.

"That's not true, you'll be busy with practice for the rest of the month, I checked your calendar. And you'll probably be sleeping again," Oikawa pouted as he folded his arms and turned his face away.

'Haha cute,' Kagami thought to himself.

"We will come back Kawa, don't be like that, heeey," Kagami said as he started to pull Oikawa's cheeks.

Oikawa started to laugh.

"You promise?"

"I promise Mr. Oikawa Tooru."

Oikawa laughed once more and Kagami could only feel the way his heart flutter and the butterflies in his stomach. To him, Oikawa may have looked beautiful when he laughed but it wasn't his beauty.

It was the joy he was able to express with that laugh, the happiness it could bring to other people, the excitement that builds up in Oikawa whenever he saw something he liked which made one question why he was excited. It was the way Oikawa sometimes spoke with a playful and teasing tone but could maintain a caring voice. It was how he was interacted with people as well.

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