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Lou's POV

"Harry,wake up!"I whispered only to get a three year old slapping me in the arm.

"No,"he groaned as he slapped me"go to bed."

"Come on,we can play cop,"I teased"and I know a certain little goody-two-shoes who we can put in jail"

He must have known who I was talking about cuz he jumped right out of bed

"Liam is in so much trouble for acting better than us!"I told him enthusiastically so he would agree.

"Uh huh,uh huh! I'll give 'em one a these,and this and a dubbu fying ninja tick!"(double flying ninja kick)Harry said punching and kicking the air like a fighter

"Ssshhhh!"I said

"OK"he whispered

"Stay here"I said

He nodded

"Niall,wake up!"I whispered

He just put his big,fat,ugly,head under the pillow

I was about to hit him but i'm not allowed to hit younger kids so I got Harry to jump on him.

"WAKE YOUR BUTT UP NIALL!"Harry screamed jumping on Niall's stomach.

"OK,OK,I'm awake,whadd'ya want?"Niall said in a tired voice.

"Help us get goody-two-shoes Liam and put him in jail"I said.

"Alright!"he said not so tired anymore

Meanwhile in Zayn and Liam's closet

Zayn's POV

Ok,I'm not too happy with being six.

It's because Lou said when you turn six,you,uuuuuhhhhh... You,*gulp*,become....a first grader.

I like being in kindergarten, it has my friends,a nice teacher,and,*blush*Perrie...

Perrie is my best friend but I really like her,a lot.

I've known her since I was about four,that's,(whispers to self),6,two years!

I think that's enough time to be in *giggles*,love.❤ "bam,crash thud!" What was that? 0_0

Niall's POV

Now we have Liam in...*snickers*...bean bag jail.

"Hand me the sock Harry!"Lou ordered

"I lost it!"Harry said

"You blooming idiot Harry!"Lou snapped at him,I felt sorry for Harry.

"Hey...*sniffle*...that's not a very nice thing to say." Harry said almost crying.

"Oh,I'm sorry Harry,I didn't mean it.Come here."Lou said sweetly bringing him into a hug.

Seeing him be so nice and not mean made me feel warm and happy,especially relieved cuz I didn't want Harry to cry.

"Hey,I didn't know Lou had a mushy gushy side"said a snarky voice.

We turned around to see Liam was watching that hug.

"What,uh...I mean get off me you little troll of a kid!"Lou screamed.

We all knew it though,Lou was being mushy

Even Harry giggled into his bear's head

Just as Lou was about to yell at us,...


To Be Continued....

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