the kits

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Nadia's POV

*****3 months later*****

Well, it's been 3 months since we got Lou back and it seems to be like I'm part of a family again.

I never once was part of a family,I mean a good one at least.

My mum beat me,my dad raped me,they both starved me and hit me. But no one loved me.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!!!"I hear a voice scream.of course,I ran to see what was wrong.

"Niall,what happened!? Are you hurt?"I ask squatting down to his level and grabbed his face,looking for marks.

I guess I've been a little bit over protective ever since the bullying thing.

"No,I'm not OK."he frowns

I start to tense up.

"What is it?"I say,looking into his eyes.

"We're out of food!!"he yells

" we'll go to Walmart"I answer letting go of him

"YAY!!"he runs around like mad and looks for shoes,jacket,ect.

I roll my eyes,but's just cute,funny too.

"Boys,get dressed!"I yell sending a whole group of them running downstairs toward me.

"Why?"they all ask

"We have to go grocery shopping."I reply

"Woohoo!"they all run to get dressed.

"Uuhh,hello?"Harry asks,with a shirt on his face

"Uuuuuhhhhh, that's not exactly how you do it"I say obviously

"Well duh!!" He mocks back

Sassy one,that's for sure.

"Ok,ok,just saying."I say as I go to help

*****in Walmart parking lot*****

I drive,frustrated, looking for a place to park.

"Park already would ya!?"an even sassier than Harry voice shouts at me.


"I'm trying!"I shout back

"Try harder!"he yells

"Listen you...ah-hah!"I say

"Finally!"he says.I roll my eyes

Suddenly,my car makes a small beeping noise telling me that something is in front of me.

I couldn't see it so I get out to take a look.

"Stay here"I command to just Lou because everyone else was asleep.

"Fine"he groans

I roll my eyes again

I walk out to see a small wire cage with a blanket on it.

I tried to get it out of my way,but as soon a I picked it up I was poked by wire

"Ow!"I shout in pain.

I dropped it and I heard little mews.

I look inside and see about six kittens...all without a mum.they were newborn, couldn't even open their eyes.

I look at them,helpless little newborn kittens about to die.

I was deciding whether or not to keep them.

Lou hopped out(even though I told him not to)

"What is taking so lo... Oh"he said

"I don't know what to do!we can't just leave them here to die!!"I yelled

"Don't ask me,I'm only 7"

"Oh,right"I said"forgot about that"

I decided to keep them so I woke the boys

"Boys,wake up we're here!"I reply.

"Boys,wake up!"I yelled. Still nothing.

"Lemme help"Lou said

I didn't argue.

"Harry,kitties"he taunted

"What,where!?"Harry was awake in a second after he heard THAT.

"Get up and go to see them"Lou teased again

"Ok!he said and got up

"Niall,food!"he yells to Niall

"Gimme!"he says,waking from sleep very quickly

I chuckled a little.

He walks up to liam,gets in his ear,and yells,"WAKE UP YA BUTT!!

"Aahh!what? Hey!!"Liam quickly realized what happened

"Zayn,GET UP!!"nothing happened"oh,so you wanna play it that way,huh?"

Lou gets in the back of the car and jumps on his head yelling and being as loud and annoying as possible.

"Aaaahhhhh!!"zayn got up,and didn't fall asleep again."hey!"

I gathered them all up and got Harry in the front of the cart,Niall and Liam on the sides,zayn on front,and Lou by me.

I bought cat food,carrots,cake, tacos,steak,ect.


We got home and unpacked all the groceries. Not such an easy task when you have to buy so much food,but your 'little helpers'

Just get in your way.

I had gotten all the boys in a room and told them that they needed to be careful around the new kitties.

They agreed and I let then hold and pet them.

They were in LOVE!Harry got an orange tabby and named him Rory.

Bai! GTG,update soon!promise!

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