Sarant46 pt.2

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Harry looked at Charlie,then small Harry, then me.

"I want to believe this,but I don't think it's true." Charlie said"but Harry,were you really that adorable!?"

"Yes,yes I was"he says,not looking up from well... Harry I guess...but they're both Harry... What!?

Then,as if we needed it,a whole other GROUP of boys walk in!

"Great,you guys! Just what I need right about now!" Harry shouted. He was frustrated,I could tell.

" OK?" I'm guessing he was liam.

"Yeah,just-" Harry was cut off

"" the blond one,which,I'm guessing,is Niall, said looking down at small Niall.

"I know,his cuteness is intimidating, isn't it?" Carlie said"

"Holy fuc-dge cakes...holy fudge cakes"Older Zayn corrected himself in front of children,"Nadia?"

I nodded.

"" he said

"Well...louisenteredinacontesttogoonanadventureonatimemachineandwonsoweareherenowinthefutuerwithyoungerversionsofyouguys!!!" I say in one breath


I sighed"Louis entered in a contest to go on an adventure on a time machine and here we are in the future with younger versions of you guys...yeah..."I said fiddling with my hands and looking at my feet.

"No...that's not possible." Zayn said

"Seems believable to me" Louis said shrugging

"YOU still believe in Santa clause" Charlie said rolling her eyes

All of the boys(including the older ones) gasped

"What?" Carlie said

"He is real!!" All of the boys shouted looking to be pretend hurt

"Ya think?" Charlie asked mostly to Harry though

He nodded his small head,"uh-huh!" He said enthusiastically

"Alright then...let's find him!!" She played along

"But it's summer!" Small Louis said
(a/n This is I will call small Louis, Lou and I will call the younger ones by their nicknames too)

"Yes...BUT...we are too awesome to wait" Louis said with a smirk

"YYYEEEAAA!!!!!" They all screamed and went outside.

Harry and I sat on the couch. He was stressing a lot.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Seeing year before she will die..." I could tell he had tears in his eyes.

"Who?" I asked

"Gemma...Gemma will die in a year" he said face in his hands,"the kid doesn't even know..."

"Oh,Harry i-" I started

"Hello,yeah,omg yes! Really!?excuse me... AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Carlie screamed into her phone

"What is it Charlotte?" Harry asked

"Nicole wants me to come over and bring the boys" she said hopefully

"I'll let you go..." Harry said and looked at me

"The boys can go too!" I said with a smile.

"Yes!!" She shouted,"oh boys..."

Harry and I chuckled.

"You know...I've always wanted" I said with a smirk

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