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The whole ride to the hospital dragged on for what felt like hours. I knew that I had a brother,but I didn't know it was Louis!

I knew I had cousins but I didn't know they were the other boys!

As I got to the hospital, I saw Harry was still asleep so I went to visit Lou.

"Lou,please, just wake up.please."

I cried into his small,young hand.a hand too young to die.

"I love you. Please,just wake up,wake up,please"

I felt sadness turn to anger.

"God dammit, wake up!"

Then I just sobbed.

"Please,I lost you once,I won't lose you again. I promise."


I turn around to see Harry.

"Oh,Harry"I said

He ran to me and gave me a hug,I held on as if I were scared to let go.

"Awe you otay?"he asked as I hugged him

"I'm fine"I lied"just,a little sad"

"Why awe you sad"

"Well,it's because... I'm the.... TICKLE MONSTER!!"

"Aaaaahhhh!!!"Harry ran as I chased him.

Lou's POV

I heard every word she said.And I wanted to wake up,I really did.

My body wouldn't move,I couldn't talk,I couldn't open my eyes,I could just sit and listen.

I really wish I didn't fall off that tree.then none of this would have happened. It's all my fault.

Harry's POV

Nadia chased me for a long time till I his in da laundwy basket.

I his dare till I heard her tumin up to da laundwy woom,I got real quiet.

"Hhhmmm, I wonder where he is."

I got real still,I didn't make a sound.

She came toward me and bam!she opened it up and picked me up by my arms!

She swooshed me awound and put me on da bed and tickled me till I was red!


Then we ate and we watched TV and I was in her arms,really sleepy.

Nadia's POV

Harry was laying on my chest and in my arms,he yawned as I fondled his curls.

He was asleep soon.

I got up and was careful not to wake him.

I sat by Lou's bed and I just looked at him.lifeless, little Louis.

"Please,wake up"I said with no emotion.

I took his hand,I held it tight with both of mine.

"Please,please. I love you,wake up"

I started to cry.I cried on his hand.

"Please"I sobbed

His eyes flutter open.

"Hi there!"he says like he's not hooked up to a giant machine

"My god you're awake!"I yell

"Looks like it"he says without a care in the world

That's what I admire about him,always happy,always strong,no matter what.

"I love you"I say going into a hug

"Whoa!"he says,not expecting it

"Sorry"I say

"It's fine"he said

I got a text saying that Niall got in trouble at school.oh,god.

*****at school*****

"Niall,really? Poking other kids? You know better!"I scold

"No I don't"he mumbles and looks at the floor

"Yes,you do"I sternly argued

"He jabbed me first!"he shouted back

"Niall,you didn't have to do it back"I reply

"Yes I did! He always picks on me!always!"he shouted

"What?"I reply,shocked

"You heard me."

"Niall,you could have just told me or Miss Aubry"

"He would have kept doing it anyways"he said a little sadly looking down again

"Not if I have anything to say about it"I say

"What're you doing?"he asked

"Come here" I say

"Why?"he asked cautiously

"Just come"I say


"I remove his cap"

A big black eye right on his face

"Oh my god!"I yell"what happened!?"

"He punched me!"he said bolting toward me and crying

"Not anymore."

I went up to the front desk and showed the nurse Niall's face

"Heavens sakes child,what happened!?"she yelled

"He was brutally punched by the child that he merely poked!"I shout"why has no one done anything about it!?"

"We had no idea!"shouted back the woman

"Get the rest of the boys,we're going home"I said

"But,miss Tomlinson, it's only midday!"she says

"I don't care,we're going home"I argue

*****in the car*****

*jab jab,jab*

"Naddia,Niall is jabbing me!!"Liam whines

"Niall,stop"I say not even looking

"I can't,it's just so tempting!"

"I said stop,so stop"I scold

"*raspberry noises*"


*****at home***** one month later

We are finally home,Lou included.

I haven't told Lou about me being his sister,or the boys being his cousins.

I guess they're not old enough to understand

Niall's POV

Hey,*jab,jab*get out of my point of view!

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