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"Monster, hide!!!"Harry cried

"Not even these guys wanna talk to me,I'm horrible!"a sad little voice said from behind the behind the door

"Oh,sorry Zayn.I didn't know it was you."Lou said

"Yea,me meever (neither)"Harry said sorrowly,"sowwy"

"I mean,you can't really blame us,you do have an ugly cry"Naill said

Liam,now free,hit him upside his little blond head,"shut up!"snapped Liam

"Heh heh,sorry"Naill coughed up

"Why awe (are) you cwying?"Harry asked sweetly

"PERRIE!!"Zayn sobbed

All of the boys glared at Louis

"OK,I hugged Harry one time,that doesn't mean I... Uuuhhhggh,fine!"

Lou hugged Zayn and calmed him down with kind words and sweet things.

All the others giggled,Harry didn't he just smiled and hugged his teddy.

"Thanks,I just,I...Perrie."Zayn whimpered

"I know,I know"Lou said still hugging

"She won't talk to me, I don't know why.Will there be worse things about being six?"Zayn whined,calmer now

"I,um..."Lou stuttered

"Hey,hey,hey,breakfa... Oh,what happened?"Nadia interrupted

"Um...nothing,I hit my..uh,my....knee.yea,my knee,heh heh."Zayn stuttered

"Um..ok,breakfast!!"Nadia shouted

"Yyyaaayyyyy!!!!!!"all of them shouted

"Froot loops!!"Harry yelled.

"Bacon,pancakes, biscuits, cereal,and waffles!"shouted Niall

"Do we even..." "Yes,we do"Niall answered

"Wooo!"Lou shouted

*****in the dining room*****

"Hey,who took the booster seat!?"Harry snapped angrily, even though no one could take him seriously because his head was under the table

"Oh,sorry"Niall bashfully said

"Yea you're sorry!"Harry snapped

"At least brat didn't do it"Lou mumbled,"he always does something to make us mad"

"Hey,I'm not a brat!!"Liam snapped angrily

"Then how did you know I was talking to you?"Lou teased

"I..uh....I didn't!"Liam argued

"Yea,right" Lou said

Liam lost his temper and threw a big spoonful of oatmeal at him.

"There it is again,you're going down!"Lou threw a big biscuit at his head, but missed and hit Zayn.

"Hey!!"Zayn yelled

He threw a pancake at Harry because he thought he did it.

Harry thought Niall did that and he threw a bowl of cereal at him.

Soon enough,it was a full on food fight

"Boys!!"Nadia screamed

"Oh...hi,heh,heh,heeeeeeh"Harry nervously spoke up.

Nadia just shooke her head slowly and guilted the kids.

"Clean off and go outside"Nadia said sternly,"Now"


"Oh,hi Taylor"Harry said shyly and blushing

"Hi Harry"she said back

"Wanna go,*blush*,digging"Harry asked staring down at his cute little feet

"Oh,I'd love to!"said Taylor

"Ok,follow me!"Harry said happily

Lou's POV

That little troll left me...for a girl!?

Yuck!why would he like a girl!? Girls are yucky!!

I'll show him not to betray ME!!

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