all is revealed

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As I read the screen on the computer, everything goes blank.I wake up in a bed as well.they put me and the boys there over night.

I'm sleeping in a huge bed ,Harry,still there.Niall,passed out by my feet.

Zayn and Liam are in the other beds next to mine.

"Nadia?"a tiny,but close enough to hear voice  quietly

"Yes?"I answer

"Why did you go to sleep on dat wooms floow?"Harry asked to me.he seemed,a bit...worried

"I was just...really,uh,sleepy"I lied

"That's silly"he whispered playfully

"I know,I know it is"I said dazed


Hours have passed,everyone's asleep,I'm silently sobbing to myself.

"Uuumm"I heard a voice say

I froze,whoever said that just saw me cry

"Nadia"a different voice says,an adult woman

I turn around to see a woman with four little girls with her as well as a man and the boys.

"Wha...?"I say rubbing my eyes and putting my glasses on

I turned the lamp on.

I see the woman crying and I soon knew who she was,Jay Tomlinson. My mother.

I got up and I hugged every one of those people.but as I reached for Louis... I remembered...

"No"I whimpered,my eyes tearing up.

"He's gone"Jay told me.she started to cry too.


Dad just nodded.

"At seven years old!?No,I refuse to believe it,it's a dream!"I started to run to the kitchen

"Nadia!"Mom yelled after me"stay with the kids"she said to my dad

I grabbed a pocket knife and lifted up my sleeve.

I bit a rag and I cut a deep line into my arm.I was relaxed,yet,scared.

Then I picked up a gun,I aimed it toward my head.

I was screaming in my mind to stop,I didn't want to do it,but I was doing it no matter how many times I told myself to stop.


I woke up.

I was still in the big hospital bed,Harry was next to me,Niall,by my feet,Zayn and Liam, in the other beds.

It was morning now.I got up,not waking any children,to get dressed.

I then saw the time and date and panicked,the boys needed to get to school!

I woke all of them up,except Harry,who was too young,and Louis, who was in a coma.

*****on the way to school*****

*kick,kick,kick,kick* Zayn was kicking the back of my seat

"Zayn,stop"I said aggravated

*raspberry noises*

"Ugh"I groan

"I'm hungry"Niall whined

"You just ate!"I replied

"I wanna go home!"Liam pouted

"You can't skip school liam"I chuckled

"Why not!?"Zayn butted in

"Just now it works buddy"I replied

The rest of the car ride was silent

*****front office*****

"Bye guys!"I shout behind them as they are walked to class by teachers

They wave and smile at me as they go.

"May I ask,miss..."the lady at the front desk started

I shutter as I say"Tomlinson"

"Oh,so you're Louis's mother?"

I hesitate"uh,no,sister"

"Mmhh, and where is he?"

I hesitate and shutter,"in a *sigh*coma"

"Oh...I'm so sorry dear I..."she started

"It's not your fault"I interrupted

She just nodded,I left.In tears.angry.hurt.

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