5| Luncheon

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Chapter 5: Luncheon (Brielle's POV)

I ruffled my hair before finger combing it and then reaching for my blazer. 

I did the complete opposite of what I was asked to do yesterday. I was asked to logically, calmly, maturely think about marrying River and weigh out the pros and cons. And I didn't think about it for a goddamn second. All I did was not think about it. In fact, I thought of everything but that. 

I did, however, pray that when today our parents ask us, River does what I asked. Even if he considers it a favor and does it, I will make sure that we are not destined to be married. 

"Brielle, your parents are waiting," Ms. Jenny said, handing me my sunglasses. 

"Thank you," I smiled, hooking them onto my shirt and pulling the white pumps on before running downstairs. 

"You're late," my father said. 

"By two minutes, sorry," I said dryly before following them out and into the car. The only times I get to dress like this is for luncheons. So, I did it today as well. I wore white pumps, no more than two or three inches of heels, with beige/cream trousers, a matching top, and a pale, gorgeous green blazer. I washed my hair this morning and didn't straighten it so it was a little wavy and my red hair, which normally is a pop of color, no matter what I wear. This time, it went really well with the blazer. 

The car slowed down to a stop at the entrance of the golf club and my father climbed out while Mr. Naveen opened my mother's door. 

"Here we go," I sighed to myself while pushing the door open. I put my sunglasses on while climbing out and ran a hand through my hair while shutting the door, following my parents in. I put my sunglasses on my head while my father signed all three of us into the register and then we finally headed out to the field. I pulled the sunglasses back down, hoping to ignore everybody today. 


I pulled my sunglasses down to my nose while looking around and then spotted Alia walking over to me. "Hey," I smiled. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" 

I gestured to my parents and she nodded in understanding. "What about you?" I questioned. 

"My dad is on the council board," she shrugged. 

"Oh, I get it. So, is your mom Indian or your dad?" 

"My mom," she chuckled. 


"I'll see you around," she smiled and then walked back to her parents. 

My mother excused herself to talk to some of her friends and then it was just me and my misery. And my father, of course. 


"Yes?" I fell into step beside him, tucking my hands into my pockets. 

My father also hates when I dress like this. Apparently, it's not feminine enough. "Have you given any thought to that offer?" 

"What offer?" I played dumb, biting back a smile. 

"Marrying Prince River." 

"No," I answered bluntly, kicking a golf ball that had rolled over. 

"And why not?" 

"I hate him," I said without looking at my father. I looked at the people around here instead. 

Most of the women were already sitting at the table and chatting, most of the men were playing golf, most of the girls were walking around chatting, and most of the guys were lingering in groups, also chatting. And drinking. 

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