36| Misery

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Chapter 36: Misery (River's POV)

I was sitting in bed, leaning against the headboard. I had one leg folded up and propped my elbow on that knee, biting my nails. I got back home as quickly as I could after Bethany happened. I figured it out pretty quickly. It was a set-up. Sort of. She knew I would be there for work and showed up there and I'm certain that Brielle's father had something to do with it. I had to let Brielle go. 

She wasn't going to listen to me and she knew that I was aware of that. I don't want her to hate me so I gave her what she asked for, which is just some time. I plan to go back and get her tomorrow. But she didn't even tell me where she's going. 

There was a knock on the door and it opened slowly. I expected it to be either my mom or dad but it was Ms. Jenny instead. I watched as she walked in and stood beside the bed, folding her arms across her chest. She shot me a pointed look. 

"I didn't cheat on her, I swear," I groaned, leaning my head back, hiding my face behind my hands. 

"I know you didn't cheat on her." She pulled my hands back down. "But she doesn't." 

I blinked, staring at her. 

"You've been crying." 

"No," I shook my head, turning to the window. 

She flicked my forehead. I turned to look at her again. "You have tear stains on your cheek and your shirt and your eyes are bloodshot." 

"I've been crying. So what?" I jutted my chin out. "It's not my fault." 

She sighed, patting my head and ruffling my hair. 

"Where did she go?" I asked. 

"She's staying with Alia for a few nights. She doesn't know where to go after that. I'm afraid she'll go back to her parents. She wouldn't even let me go with her." 

That's exactly what I'm afraid of. 

"What happened?" 

"I was there for work when she showed up. She pulled me off to the side, saying she had to talk to me. Something about Ezra and Brielle. She wanted to know if they were supposed to get married, if their parents ever talked about it. I was telling her that Ezra's parents did ask for Brielle's hand but she got married to me instead. And as I was talking, she just kissed me. Out of nowhere, for no reason. I had no idea what happened and I pushed her off as soon as I realized it. She didn't even give me an explanation after that, she just smiled at me and then left." 

"And you didn't think to call Brielle or come home?" 

"I was trying to! Work was too important, the builders and the company owner wouldn't let me leave. They said if I left they would quit the project. I thought I would just tell Brielle whenever I came home and we would figure it out together." 

She rolled her eyes. "That's what you two would do if you were friends." 

"We are friends," I frowned. 

"You're husband and wife first. Don't you realize that girl is in love with you? The only thing she saw was her husband kissing another girl. And the only thing she thought about and felt was betrayal. On top of that, you let her walk out of here." 

"She said she would leave me for good if I didn't let her go. She would have asked for a divorce, then I couldn't keep her here, legally." 

"She was bluffing, River! Do you really think she would leave you? She'd die before ever doing that, she's too in love with you. How can you be so blind?" She huffed, shaking her head. "Why didn't you call her?" 

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