30| Lost

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Chapter 30: Lost (River's POV)

I was sitting on the window seat, waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. We leave for lunch at the Collins' place in ten minutes. "Bri!" I called out, looking out the window. 

"Coming!" she called back out. 

I stood up when I heard her open the door. "Are you ready? We have to go in..." I stopped, looking at her up and down. 

She grabbed white sneakers instead of pumps and held onto the dresser, quickly pulling them on. "Ten minutes, I know," she huffed, fixing her blazer, pulling her hair out, and running her fingers through it, ruffling it around. "Yeah, I'm ready. Have your parents left already?" she asked while grabbing her perfume and spraying it on quickly. 

"Yeah, they left five minutes ago," I mumbled absentmindedly. 

"What's wrong?" she asked, looking at me in confusion. 

"You look fucking amazing." 

She blinked, very surprised at my answer. "Thank you," she laughed, looking at her attire. 

"Why have I never seen that?" I asked, pointing to her top. It's white lace, I think it's a bralette and it looks fucking amazing. So amazing I kind of want to tear it off. 

"Actually, I would never wear stuff like this because of my parents. But I don't have to follow their rules anymore, so I thought I'd wear it today. Should I change?" 

"Huh?" I mumbled. 

"Do you want me to change?" she chuckled. 

"Why would I want you to change? You look beautiful." 

"Really?" she grinned. I nodded while she walked over to me. "I matched with you today," she went up on her toes, fixing my hair. She did match with me today. 

I wore a black polo with jeans, the dress code said casual anyway. 

She wore a black blazer over her white lace bralette that I can't stop thinking about taking off, with beige pants and a nice black belt with it. 

"I can see that," I chuckled, grabbing her hand. 

She looked at my hair and ruffled it out, a few strands falling over my eyes. "You look cute," she giggled. 

"So do you," I replied, leaning down and kissing her. 

She smiled against my lips before pulling away. 

"Do we have to go?" I huffed. 

She nodded, taking my hand and pulling me out. I grabbed the keys but she stopped me. "Can we take the convertible today?" she asked, pointing to its keys. 

"Yeah, why not?" I changed the keys and then we left, climbing into the baby blue convertible. I think it's our oldest car, my parents got this when they got married. I pulled my sunglasses on and she kept hers on her head as I started the car and then the drive. "Bri." 


I glanced at her. "Do you want to go on a honeymoon?" 

"What?" she chuckled, looking at me while her hair blew in the wind. 

"We didn't plan one, but do you want to go? We could plan it now and go in a few weeks." 

"Where would we go?" she asked, pulling her sunglasses on while tilting her head back to look at the sky. 

"I don't know. Somewhere... tropical?" I asked. 

"Sure," she shrugged. "How long?" 

"A weekend?" I turned to her and found her frowning. "A week?" 

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