26| Reception

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Chapter 26: Reception (River's POV)

We fall victims fastest to fear, greed, and lust. 

I'm surprised we didn't just have sex, we might as well have since we both pretty much confessed through our actions that we're lusting after each other. I realized during the week that I was really attracted to her and that's why I wanted her around. So I could eventually sleep with her. 

But I didn't think she felt that way. I didn't take her for one to lust after a guy. She seems like she's made for love only, none of the other unholy things. And this is the unholiest of them all. It's the best sin to exist. Lust. And we both fell to it when we kissed. Multiple times. 

When I woke up this morning, she wasn't sleeping beside me like she usually is. She wasn't in the bathroom either. I figured she went into the other room. I haven't seen her all day today, she didn't even come in here to get her stuff while she got ready for the reception that's tonight. Ms. Jenny came to get it all for her. 

"That's okay, I'll take it for her," I smiled, grabbing a tie that matched her dress. I got to see her dress earlier and it's just black but it has a deep cut around her neck so I'm a little... nervous. 

"She specifically asked you don't do that," Ms. Jenny chuckled awkwardly. 

"I specifically ask you to pretend like she didn't say that. She needs to tie my tie for me anyway," I smiled, taking her makeup bag and walking into her room. Which is empty. 

"Ms. Jenny?" 

I followed her voice and walked into the bathroom where she was straightening her hair. She saw me and huffed, rolling her eyes. I put her makeup bag on the counter with my tie and then stood behind her, watching her through the mirror. 

She's wearing a robe but it's slipping open. 

I can see her bra under it. "Strapless and lace. How scandalous," I smirked. 

"Get out before I burn you with this." She snapped her straightener at me. 

"You have to tie my tie." 

"Ask someone else to do it. I'm busy." 

"Then I'll wait right here." 

She put the straightener down and turned to me, snatching the tie off the counter. 

"Why did you run away this morning?" I asked while she tied it for me. 

"I was in no mood to see you or deal with your taunts." 

"Why?" I asked, undoing the belt of her robe. 

She grabbed it before it could fall open. 

I chuckled. "Jesus, relax." I grabbed the belt and retied it for her, securing her robe around her waist as she finished with my tie. 

"Let me get ready." 

"Fine." I leaned down, kissing her. I wanted to catch her off-guard and when she stumbled and grabbed the counter behind her for support, I knew I did just that. I pulled back, scanning her face. "See you later," I smirked, walking out and back into my room. 


We arrived at the hotel and entered the banquet hall that we booked for the reception party. Her parents booked it, actually. They're treating for everything tonight which only seems fair considering my family paid for the wedding and we also hosted and arranged for everything at the engagement party. Not that I'm keeping tallies. Okay, of course, I'm keeping tallies. I don't trust her father. 

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