43| Epilogue

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Before the chapter starts, here are their absolutely beautiful and adorable kids:

Before the chapter starts, here are their absolutely beautiful and adorable kids:

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Chapter 43: Epilogue (Brielle's POV)

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Chapter 43: Epilogue (Brielle's POV)


I sighed, sitting up against the headboard and pulling my lamp on again. 

"Mommy," he whispered, tugging at River's shirt that I had on. 

"Yes, baby?" I picked him up, pulling him onto the bed. 

"The baby," he mumbled, sucking his thumb. 

I pulled it out of his mouth. "Say that again, honey." I kicked River's leg. 

He too groaned and woke up. 

"She is crying," he said, stumbling over his words a little. 

"Did she wake you up?" I asked, moving him off my lap and onto the middle of the bed. 

He nodded, his curls everywhere. 

"Come here, you," River mumbled, ruffling his hair even more. Lucas went and lay down with River while I got up and pulled my slippers on, moving into the other room where I took her out of her cot. 

She was in fact crying. But she stopped the second I lifted her up. I frowned in confusion, going to put her back in the cot only for her to start crying again. I narrowed my eyes at her, "I see what you're doing here. It's working." 

She giggled, her eyes twinkling. 

I chuckled, keeping her in my arms as I walked out of this room and back to our room. 

"She still isn't sleeping on her own, huh?" River asked while I got in bed and lay her down right next to Lucas. 

I looked at River in disbelief and then turned to Lucas. "Honey, can you sleep alone?" 

He shook his head, still sucking his thumb. I'm almost sure he's just shaking his head because he didn't completely understand my question. 

"And who's fault is that?" 

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