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The cold wind blew against my face outside, i mean it was pretty fucking cold and i was just standing there in a hoodie with a flannel and some sweatpants. I was freezing my ass off but i couldn't go home, It was super lonely now that I've broken up with my ex..we used to live together but now its just me there. I looked around, searching for a nearby shop i could step into and stay in the warmth. My Gaze landed on a Starbucks not that far away and I just made my way there, slowly.

As i was walking there i was fidgeting around with my rings, Could I even be gayer? I thought to myself. I mean i have like what? 2 rings on each hand and a necklace. Not to mention, my outfit wasn't so'straight' either. I Pushed those thoughts away and put my hands in the pockets of my sweatpants that were quite big on me. I starred up into the sky and looked back down.

I finally reached the Starbucks and pushed the door open, I thought I'd get myself a hot drink or something to keep me warm, but the line was so long, I just grunted in an annoyed tone and just stood in line, looking around.

It was your typical Starbucks that you'd find literally everywhere but something had caught my eye. She's super pretty.. i thought to myself as i saw a blonde girl who was definitely smaller than me, behind the cash register. I couldn't make out her face from way behind here since there were a shit ton of people in front of me but i looked away from her and let out a small smile.

After 20 minutes of waiting in line, there were less and less people inside the building, I'd say about 10. But despite that, i was closer to the cute register girl, there were only 2 more people in front of me. After the 2 people left , it was finally my turn.

I know this chapter is so fucking short but nothng else came into my mind so deal w it 🥱

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