The Park

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Blondie had recommended we'd go to the nearby park to just relax at so thats where we're headed at. Shortly after we arrived, there were parking spaces and I just parked wherever. It was dark out since it was the evening already but after i parked i grabbed a sweater i had in the backseat and took it with me incase. I got out and closed the door after me, walking over to Hisu's side, i opened her door and reached out my hand to let her grab onto.

She grabbed onto it and i pulled her out, closing the door behind her but i didn't let go off her hand, in fact, i locked my fingers in with her and smiled at her while i was blushing slightly. She smiled back and didn't let go so we walked into the park together.

„Seems like no one's here, more quiet time for us then"

„Yeah," I looked around for a spot and found a quite big tree, „hey blondie?"

Historia looked up at me „What?" she asked, „How about we go there?" I pointed at the tree with my free hand. She nodded and we headed over there.

We both stood under the tree and I looked down at her, i noticed she was shivering and had goosebumps. Luckily i brought that jacket with me. „Here" I said and put my jacket around her shoulders. „Better?" I smiled.

„Yeah, alot. Sit down already." I sat down , leaning against the tree and straightened one leg while the other was in a triangular shape kind-of. She sat down right next to me and laid her head on my shoulder, Im glad she wasnt looking at me because my face is flushed.

I felt the cold night breeze brush against my skin and a shiver went down my spine. I felt Historia's hand slither up my arms and her hand moved back down and interlocked her fingers with mine again. I pressed a soothing kiss against her temple and we just stayed quiet for a bit.



„I'm glad we got to hangout today, i enjoyed it"

„I feel the same way actually"

I looked to my side and down to her, she looked to her side and up to me again.
Holy fuck is it happening? i was getting excited by the thought of it and leaned in close, we were so close to eachother's faces , our noses were practically touching.


We were so close to eachothers faces by now, her eyes looked more prettier than usual and i tighten my grip on her hand. Im about to kiss her what the fuck do i do? My thoughts were wandering all over the place.

We were about to kiss til i jumped from a loud car noise from somewhere. Fuck, i hate my life.


We were so close to kissing til we heard a random car noise and she got scared and pulled away, why me? we were a few inches apart.

„Sorry about that.." Historia said and i caught a glimpse of her face , clearly blushing til she looked away. I giggled quietly.

„It's okay," I looked down at my watch to look at the time and saw that it was around 7 now, I bet she's probably tired by now so i decided to tell her. „Should I drive you home? its almost 8 and you must be tired from everything.

She looked back at me and smiled sheepishly, before she answered. „Yeah i think that would be a good idea" after she finished talking she yawned.

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