The Question

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My Drink took quite the while but i was looking at the blonde girl for the time being and looked away when she finally gave me my drink. She said ‚Here you go' and i quickly cut her off.

„Hey, quick question"

„Yeah?" she answered.

„Sorry if this is kinda weird & stuff but what's your name?" God she probably thinks im weird.

„I'm Historia, what about you?" she said in a happy tone, smiling in a sheepishly way.

„I'm Ymir, I thought you were really pretty so i thought I'd ask." Things are going smoothly..I thought to myself. Now i was looking looking at her and holding the eye contact and her face was completely red.

She giggled before she said anything. „The feeling is Mutual" she said „I saw you when i arrived earlier this morning and thought you were pretty cute but I didn't expect you to come in"

„Oh really? Can i maybe have your number?"

„Sure! give me a second" She ran off to grab a napkin and a pen and wrote her number down, I felt as if i was having the best day ever.

„Here." She handed me the napkin and I grabbed it and looked at it, noticing she had drawing a tiny heart next to her number. It made me smile tbh.

„Thanks, when do you get off?"

„At 5, why's that?"

„I'll text you at 5" I grabbed my coffee and put the napkin in my pocket, i started walking to the door and stopped for a second „Later Cutie!" I shouted and walked away, smiling.

I was on my way home, sipping my Coffee and thinking about what had just happened. Fuck yeah, I'll shove this in Reiner and Erens Faces! I thought to myself. Not longer afterwards I was at my Apartment Complex and threw my empty Coffee cup in the garbage and made my way to Reiner's Place, where all of us mostly hangout.

I knocked several times before he finally opened. „Oh god its you again" he said while laughing „Yes it is now let me in i need to tell you guys what happened earlier today!" He made way for me to go inside and shut the door after i went in.

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