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Seoul, South Korea


Jisoo's POV.

I slipped out of Lisa's office passing Suho who was posted against a wall waiting for me.

Childishly, I pretended not to see him as I paced toward the elevator. Stabbing the call button hurriedly, I avoid Suho's gaze too livid to speak; livid that some asshole had the balls to ask me in front of my husband to spend a night with him.

Livid that Suho didn't come to my rescue and tell Lisa off.

Livid because Suho didn't throw the tornado of a fit that I couldn't.

Livid because despite my better judgment and being in love with Suho I was attracted to Lisa.

Livid with myself for giving Lisa the satisfaction of knowing that she aroused me to the point of complete and utter insanity, for letting her touch me, for allowing her to embed her memory in a sacred place in my brain that previously only encompassed Suho.

Livid that I had agreed to come to this club in the first place.

Most importantly, livid because I couldn't control my feelings.

"You're overreacting," Suho said eventually.

I said nothing.

I wasn't about to shout at him while we were still at the club. No matter how much I may have wanted to. I had more class than that.

What kind of an asshole pawns his wife off to a sex club owner? What kind of an asshole leaves the same woman alone with his wife? What kind of a wife is seduced by a sex club owner? What kind of wife thought about letting another person touch her?

I couldn't bring myself believe that Suho wanted to come to Madame X for me.

It wasn't about getting me to open up or whatever bullshit he said that persuaded me to come tonight.

I didn't know why Suho asked me to but I had to find out.

Once the elevator doors parted I stepped inside and Suho followed me. "You don't treat your wife like a sex object, Suho. You were supposed to say something when she was propositioning me. Not encourage it."

"I'm not going to tell you what to do Jisoo. Besides, I expected you to say no. You should've said no. You get attention from women and men every time we go out. You brush those assholes off with ease. Why couldn't you do the same with her? At least this girl was upfront about the fact that she wanted to screw you." I rolled my eyes. "You told me that another person asked the same thing the last time we visited. What makes this so different?" I hate that he had a point.

"Because I wouldn't even consider sleeping with another person."

"You wouldn't have sex with another woman either, would you?"

The ball was back in my court.


I was silent as the elevator opened.

The night air whipped my hair across my face, calming my nerves. The smell of cigarettes and car exhaust was comforting because it was familiar along with homeless men who sat in the alley between rusted old buildings in rundown neighborhoods.

The sound of blaring car horns and muffled chatter at two in the morning. The sight of pedestrians hailing cabs. All of the chaos that made up the city I had come to appreciate in the past six years.

Suho wasn't wrong I was.

I couldn't say no. I was attracted to another person that wasn't my husband.

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