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Jisoo's POV.

"Stop staring at my ass," I complained. I could feel Lisa's eyes raking over my ass while I retrieved my keys to lock my apartment door.

"You can't wear that skirt with an ass like yours and expect me not to stare," she countered with a smug grin.

I tried to ignore her as she walked behind me toward the elevator.

"Count your blessings I'm just looking especially after the stunt you just pulled."

The elevator doors parted just as I pressed the call button, revealing my neighbor Mrs. Lee.

"Hello, Mrs. Lee," I greeted as we stepped inside.

"Good evening, Jisoo." I knew Lisa was standing behind me gawking. I moved over so Mrs. Lee wouldn't wonder what we were doing together.

"How's Suho? It's been a while since I've seen him."

"He's great. You know work keeps him busy."

"Well, tell him I said hello"

"I will."

"Who is this beautiful young woman?" She asked looking directly at Lisa.

I stammered nervously. "This is um...my, um-"

Lisa intervened. "Friend. I'm her friend from my college, Lalisa Manoban."

"It's very nice to meet you." The two of them exchange a handshake with me in the middle. "Make sure you show Jisoo a good time." Mrs. Lee leaned over and whispered, "She doesn't get out much." I could still hear her.

"I go out enough," I said defensively.

The elevator doors finally open. Lisa and I waited for Mrs. Lee to exit first.

"Darling, you spend more time in that apartment than you do outside of it. You're a beautiful young lady. Isn't she?" She asked Lisa.

"Yes, she is." Lisa muttered with a gleam in her eyes.

"You should be out having fun." She smiled patting my arm. "You two enjoy yourselves," Mrs. Lee waved as she stopped to talk to Robert at the security desk.

"We will," Lisa spoke. "Nice lady."

"Shut up."

The doorman held the door open for us "Do you need me to hail you a cab, Mrs. Kim?" the doorman asked me.

I opened my mouth to speak but Lisa spoke first. "She's with me."

The driver of her car was standing near the door waiting for me so she could close the door behind me. Lisa waved her off and held the door open for me herself.

"Thank you," I responded graciously as I stepped inside the car, scooting as close as I could to the opposite window.

"Where you taking me?" I asked once Lisa was seated beside me in the car.

"I'm taking you to The Signiel hotel."

"Why a hotel?"

"If I only get one night with you, I want it to be memorable. You deserve more than one night in a sex club." Despite myself, I smiled at her effort.

"I didn't appreciate your comment about getting it over with back in my office like I'm a chore that you have to suffer through," she thundered.

"You shouldn't have referred to me as a transaction."

"I didn't mean that." she said sincerely.

"It doesn't matter."

"If I hurt your feelings it matters to me. I apologize. You're not, nor will you ever be a transaction. Am I forgiven?"

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