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Jisoo's POV.

Jonghyun was Suho's P.I. That explained why Jonghyun was so eerie when we ran into each other at the grocery store. A million questions swam through my brain but my mouth couldn't form a single syllable. I was too afraid to ask him anything while he was angry with me.

I still couldn't understand why Suho would rather hire someone than tell me that he didn't want Lisa and I sleeping together. If he'd been documenting my affair from the very beginning why didn't he ever intervene? Did he not care enough? Did he really not love me anymore? Had our marriage really run its course?

As Suho slammed the photographs dramatically on the table I stared wordlessly at them. I didn't want to see the pictures but I needed to know if Suho had any photos of Lisa and I having sex.

The first picture I saw was of Lisa and I arriving at the Signiel Seoul hotel. The next was a photo of Lisa and myself leaving the hotel for pizza. Then I saw a picture of myself nearly sitting on Lisa's lap as she spoke about the flaws in my relationship with Suho.

The next picture was Lisa wiping the cheese off my mouth. The following picture had to have been taken just seconds after because we were in the same position but Lisa's lips were touching mine.

More tears cascaded down my face even when I tried to hold them back.

The pain expanded in my chest at the knowledge of Suho witnessing me in such a compromising position with Lisa. I was heartbroken and mortified and ashamed of my actions.

I would've done anything to take back all the pain I caused Suho.

There was a picture of Lisa grabbing the spare key that I kept hidden on the door frame. It actually looked like I meant for her to find the key there.

Oh my god.

I saw pictures of Lisa kissing me just outside of Entourage night club. Pictures of us on the dance floor. You could clearly see Lisa's hand between my thighs. The last photo was of Lisa leading me into the V.I.P room before we had sex in the restroom.

"Oh, my god," I muttered more to myself than Suho. "Oh, my god."

I was mortified.

"That's all you have to say to yourself!?"

There wasn't much I could say. Everything I've done in the few weeks was unforgivable. Even worse than my actions was the fact that there was nothing I could do or say to make him understand how apologetic I was. Other than saying sorry but that only served to make me feel better not Suho.

"Tae it was just sex," I whispered. Both Suho and I knew that it was a lie but I had to say it. "You were pushing me away and she kept pursuing me. You've got to believe me when I tell you that I tried so hard to find my way out of the affair."

"The only reason it would've been hard for you is if you love her, more than you love me. Jisoo, your actions these past few weeks prove that you don't give a fuck about me, this marriage, or yourself."

"That's not true!" I blurted out through a flood of tears and a groggy voice.

"That's what the evidence tells me."

"Suho, I love you."

"Do you love her?" He asked me. "Are. You. In. Love. With. Her?"

"I love you." I admitted

"That's not what I asked you," I couldn't answer him. "You were woman enough to lay in bed with her. Be a woman when it matters. Right now. Are you in love with her?"

"Yes," I muttered too softly.

"I can't hear you," he growled.

"Yes I do. I don't know how it happened but I do love her," I blubbered in pathetic agony.

All of the blood seemed to have drained from Suho's pale complexion. The veins in his neck and fingers were throbbing. Tears poured from his grieving, red eyes making my heart ache.

"What were you getting from her that you couldn't get from me?" He spoke through the hurt.

My throat tightened.

"Tell me!!!" He barked.

"Attention. Sex. Companionship." I was wrong for making Suho out to be the villain but what I needed to say was my truth. "When you test me and play cruel games. Suho, you forced me to believe that you didn't care. Shoes and jewelry are nice but I needed you."

"So you were deprived of affection?"

"Yes I was."

"That's such bullshit, Jisoo. You've wanted a bad person since you were a kid. You wanted the drama. You wanted the affair, and you got it."

"You're right. I wanted Lisa from the moment I saw her, but I swear it wouldn't have happened if you didn't put your career before me."

"Regardless of that fact, we took those vows: For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do us part. We both took those vows. You don't break them because your feelings were hurt."

"I was wrong. I was so wrong. I know that."

"I've been fighting for us since we met. I've been trying so hard to keep you away from other men and women because I didn't want to lose you. At the club I let you choose, and you let me down. Until now you've never been in danger of losing me because you had me in the palm of your hand. You think I take you for granted, but you've taken this marriage for granted. You've taken me for granted."

"Suho?" The air didn't touch my lungs when I breathed his name so I grabbed the hem of his shirt hoping to get a glimpse into his eyes.

He swiped my hand away before he spoke ruthlessly. "I'm done fighting."

Suho lifted his keys off the hook and stormed out of the front door without a second glance back at me.

As much I hated to admit it, Suho was right. There were so many instances when other men and women have tried to steal me away from him but I never had to worry about Suho being unfaithful. Suho experienced other women. I was the virgin in our relationship. He was the only person I ever dated seriously. I was curious about how good sex with another person could be and that curiosity got the best of me. I made a mistake. Undoubtedly, the biggest mistake of my life. I didn't know how to make him understand that.

I had my reasons for sleeping with Lisa but the bottom line was Lisa and I couldn't make it work. I couldn't save her. There was so much hurt in her heart that she couldn't love me the way I needed to be loved. I knew that I couldn't survive on sex-freak-island. I wasn't made for it. Suho and I both had our flaws but I didn't want to live my life without him. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I was certain that he loved me. We had our challenges but I felt like we have what it takes to make a marriage last. But how could I fight for a man who was giving up on me?


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