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"We meet back here in an hour to get a late lunch!" One of the teacher was trying to say above the rowdy crowd but before I could see who, charlie was swiping a room key and pulling me over to the elevator, hand firmly clasped in mine.

The ride up was silent and then she was tugging me down a hallway to find our room.

The door had barely closed before Charlie was wrapping her arms around me, unintentionally making us sway for a moment.

"I'm sorry, you probably wanted to explore or something"

I did, but that could wait.

"It's fine"

Her face was buried in my neck as she spoke softly and I shied away slightly from the feeling.

"No it's not, you should tell me if I'm being forceful" She hummed, tightening her arms around me slightly.

"You weren't, if I didn't want to come with you then I wouldn't have" My words came out slightly breathless, barely listening to a word she was saying and instead focusing on the way her breath hit my neck causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.

We stayed like that for a while, until my breathing became too hard to ignore and Charlie pulled back slightly to watch me.


I didn't say anything, willing myself to stay silent so I couldn't embarrass myself by letting out any sound.

"Oh" Understanding dawned on her face and then she was burying her head back into my neck and speaking softly.

"You're really sensitive here huh?"


"Is this how you felt the whole ride up here while I was sleeping? "

"Yes" this one more breathless than the last, her lips grazed my skin as she spoke slowly.

"Why didn't you ask me to move then?"

The answer was obvious and I knew she would tease me if I told her.

I liked it.

"Hm?" She called when I stayed silent.

Just say it

"I didn't mind it"

"You didn't mind it or you liked it?"

My breath hitched when she pressed a kiss onto my pulse.

"I liked it "She laughed softly at the rise of pitch in my voice.

"That's something. I was just trying to sleep, I didn't think I was getting you so worked up but I'm not mad about it, if anything I'm curious"

"About what?" She was slowly guiding us over to the closest bed in the room and when my knees connected with it, Charlie switched us around so she could sit on the bed before pulling me gently down into her lap.

"Just how sensitive you are here" Her mouth decended on my neck, tongue trailing across my skin in a way that had me releasing a soft moan as I gripped onto her arms, angling my head away to give her more space to work with.

Every touch of her lips had me whining and I dipped my head down to try to cover up the sound even though it was pointless and she laughed at me thinking the exact same thing.

Her hands gripped my hips before moving down slowly to cup my ass in her hands and squeeze lightly, an action that had me moving more into her lap.

"Are you sensitive on your chest too?"

I nodded slightly and gripped the fabric of my t shirt to pull it up and over my head, willing to take what she was silently offering.

She leaned back on her hands to watch me, hands gripping my waist again when I was done.

"How nice, I didn't even have to ask" Her smile was slightly degrading in the best way possible, my stomach fluttered at her tone.

Charlie didn't say much after that, content on watching me wiggle around on her lap, growing shyer by the minute and my hands gripped my top, ready to shield myself the longer she sat and stared. Her eyes flicked down to my hands before looking back up at me.

"You were so willing to take your top off and now you're getting shy because I'm looking? You told me I could look"

"Charlie" I dropped my face into her neck with a whine.


"Stop mocking me"

"But you like it, don't you?"

I wouldn't let her have the satisfaction of knowing she was right.

And with that thought, I got up to remove myself from her lap. I didn't get very far before she was pulling me back down.

"I was just playing with you, there's no need to get mad" She cooed softly down my ear, successfully riling me up even more.

"If you don't stop right now I won't talk to you for the rest of this trip" I threatened, my words lacked any real conviction and she knew that, judging from the way her lips pulled into a smile that was nothing short of being condescending.

"That's cute that you think you could do that but I'll give you what you want because you look like you're about to cry. Maybe next time yeah?"

She didn't wait for me to finish, going back to sucking so sweetly on my neck that I gripped her head unintentionally to keep her there.

She hands worked smoothly at the clasp of my bra before she was peeling it away from my body and attaching her lips to my chest. I pushed my chest more into her face, not shying away from the feeling any more.

"So sensitive" She murmured.

"Shut up" She laughed at me before licking between the valley of my breasts and sucking one of my nipples into the wet heat of her mouth.


She didn't tease me about this, too busy working me so well with her tongue, her hands spanned my back, one gripping my waist and keeping me in place and the other running up my side to tease my other nipple gently with her finger tips.

She leaned me back, keeping me in place with her hand as she sucked my other nipple, palming me with her hand before sighing softly.

"Babe we're on a school trip"


I couldn't make sense of anything she was saying, twitching slightly at the way she rolled my nipple between her pointer finger and thumb.

"So we can't go any further" She sounded like the answer should be obvious to me but it really wasn't.

"Why can't we?" I asked breathlessly around the haze in my mind.

"I'm pretty sure everyone on this floor would hear you screaming" Charlie fixed me with a look, her eyes implying exactly what she meant.

"Oh" I sat back up, gripping her shoulders to steady myself again.

"Fuck" Charlie buried her head in my chest, placing a kiss on my skin that had me tensing again before relaxing back into her.

"You have nice boobs" Her voice was muffled by the position and my cheeks began to heat up at the thought that oh, I was topless and Charlie was just-

"Thank you?"

"Yeah, you're welcome" her hands smoothed down my sides and she looked back up at me, chuckling slightly.

"We can't go further but we can keep doing what we're doing and make out, yeah?"

At my nod her lips met mines and it's safe to say we were late to lunch.

CHASING CHARLIE GRAYWhere stories live. Discover now