extra pt. 6 Christmas with the inlaws

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"Charlie we have to get the door" I laughed, she gave me the most fed up look I've ever seen, getting off of me and grabbing her shirt to answer the door.

"I don't know why you're mad,  you're the one who said it was a good idea to have our parents over for Christmas dinner"

"Babe when I say something stupid you're not supposed to agree with me" She whined.

"It's not dumb, they're our parents"

My parents arrive first and a few minutes later, Nancy shows up.

Once everyone is settled with their plates my mom is the first to question.

"So, How are things?"

"We're doing good"

"We're gonna have a kid"

It's so quiet I could hear a pin drop.

"This was not how we said we were gonna tell them"

"Sorry" Her smile is sheepish and I can't find it in me to stay mad at her.

The table is an eruption of happiness.

"When did you find out?"
"How soon will they come home?"
"I'm gonna be a grandfather,  oh my god I'm gonna be a grandfather"

"Will you relax" My mom rolls her eyes at my father who scoffs.

"No I will not, this is the second greatest day of my life.  By the way the first was when you were born"

My mother slaps him on the arm.

"What about when we got married or when you proposed?"

"Top 20 for sure" which earned him another hit.

"Congratulations you two, I'm so happy for you. I know you guys have been trying for a while so to finally get approved, this is amazing" Nancy smiles happily, grabbing my hands in excitement across the table.

" Thank you, his name is Theo and we aren't gonna change it. He should be with us by new years, he's four" Charlie answered easily,  throwing her arm around me practically vibrating with joy.

" That's really, wow" My mom's got tears in her eyes and my dad has to console her with words whispered softly and comforting touches.

"What kinda present am I supposed to get my grandkid now, Christmas is over, good going you two, you just ruined Christmas for my boy"

"You'll figure it out" My reply does little to regress my father's pout.

"I've got Charlie's baby blanket still, I bet he'll love it"

"Ma seriously" Charlie complains, "that thing is probably in tatters"

"It just needs a little tlc" Nancy says.

"Do you have pictures?" My mother's eyes are wide as they go from Charlie to me and back.

"You bet your ass we do" She grins

"Charlie!" We all shout collectively.

"What! Ass isn't even that big a swear word"

" You can't talk like that when Theo gets here" I remind her.

" Oh really cause the first word I'm gonna teach him to spell is gonna be fuc-"

"Don't you dear finish that!"

The laughter and joy continues late into the night as we show our parents pictures of Theo and make plans for new years.

Later, when everyone has left and Charlie and I lay in bed, her smile has not dimmed even by a bit, still as radiant as ever.

"He's gonna be so spoiled and loved"

"Definitely,  I think my dad might become a part of this household.  He hasn't even met Theo yet and he already loves him so much"

She scoffs, " I don't blame him, have you met that kid? He could melt the coldest of hearts"

"I'm so happy" I confess eagerly.

"Me too babe, me too " Charlie kisses me softly.

"Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas indeed, now to pick up where we left off"

" You're insufferable" I laugh at the way she strip dances on our bed for me.

" I love you" Her smile is gentle.

" I love you too"


That's a wrap everybody, happy holidays!

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